Field Sports

Field sports are an integral part of life in Richmond

Soccer Sports There are approximately 10,000 citizens participating in 29 organized sport groups plus 2,500 volunteers that include coaches, managers and coordinators, and 17,500 spectators and supporters including parents, family and friends. This is approximately 18 per cent of the Richmond population with over one million hours of participation in organized sport each year. These numbers do not include the heavy school use of community field sport facilities or the tremendous amount of casual field sport activity that takes place in the many parks in our active community.

Field sport provides opportunities for Richmond residents to "Live, Connect and Grow," all desired outcomes of the Parks, Recreation & Cultural Services Master Plan. Field sports provide opportunities for participants to engage in healthy physical activities and to connect and socialize with other community members while gaining new skills, experiences, friendships and memories.

Related links:
Sport Field Bookings - procedures and application forms
Parks and Facilities Online Application
Field Sport Strategy