Building Approvals

Building Approvals regulates building construction and design in Richmond through the enforcement of the Provincial Code and National Building Standards and the City’s Zoning, Building and Tree Protection Bylaws to ensure Richmond’s built environment is safe and reflects the City’s planning priorities.

Through the permitting process, building design and construction are reviewed and inspected to ensure that:

  • buildings and structures are constructed in a manner which meets minimum life, fire, and health safety requirements.
  • appropriate access is provided to property.
  • business standards are appropriate to the community.
  • nuisances are minimized.
  • incompatible land uses have appropriate separation.
  • construction complies with City's planning priories. (Review)
  • City's urban forest is preserved during construction.

Electronic Applications and Inspections

We are working to make it easier for you to request and pay for permits online. Apply for your next plumbing or gas permit on MyPermit through your MyRichmond account. To learn more visit MyPermit.

Home Building and Renovation

Residential Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing, Single or Two Family Dwellings

Complete application forms & checklists for your home renovation or construction projects

Commercial or Multi-Family Buildings

Complete application forms & checklists for your commercial renovation or construction projects

Urban Forestry on Private Property

Find forms and information relating to trees on private property

Request an Inspection

Schedule, cancel or view inspection results

Bylaws & Bulletins

Find information on bylaws & bulletins pertaining to permits

Find out more - Bylaws
Find out more - Bulletins
House Move

House Move & Salvage

Find sustainable ways to reduce demolition waste
Application Forms 2

Letters of Assurance

Complete these Letters of Assurance forms for all projects
Permits Issued

Building Permit Reports

Search the records of weekly and monthly reports of issued permits


Find answers for frequently asked questions

Information Disclaimer

Some information on this website includes material obtained from other agencies and levels of government. While every effort is made to ensure that the City is providing the most current material, only the agency or level of government that the material originated from can verify that you have obtained the most up to date version. The City does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the material.