Event Applications & Approvals
The City of Richmond wants to make it easier to plan and host events. Bringing the community together to celebrate, observe, honour or simply have fun contributes to the City's vision "to be the most appealing, livable and well-managed community in Canada."
The approval committee will evaluate events, on a case-by-case basis. For event concepts to be evaluated, email proposals to events@richmond.ca for review.
The Application Process
The Event Approvals Application system allows the Richmond Event Approval Coordination Team (REACT) to review applications that require multi-departmental and multi-jurisdictional approvals.
The purpose of the team is to:
- Review event applications
- Initiate event approvals by various departments and agencies
- Ensure coordination of City services
- Provide a one-stop approval process for event organizers
Online Application
This online web application enables applicants to submit application forms and coordinate the review and approvals process.
Applications are not accepted more than one one year prior to the start date of the event.
Refer to the Application Process section in the Event Application Guide for assistance. This process allows applicants to complete a form and save work through the steps, determine what approvals and permits are required and monitor the approval status of an application.
Venue Availability
Before beginning the Event Application Process, contact the City's Events/Rentals Office at 604-233-3304 or events@richmond.ca to ensure that the location/site/facility chosen to be used is available.
Contact Information
Events/Rentals Office
Phone: 604-233-3304
Fax: 604-247-4464
About the Event Application
The event application consists of four sections:
- General Application Information
- General Event Information
- Event Details
- Event Requirements
Requests may be made to provide additional information on any optional elements chosen to incorporate. Permits and applications may be required as part of the event application submission for these optional elements.
Before submitting an application, review the following:
Outdoor Event Terms and Conditions
Application Criteria, Disclaimer & Privacy Policy
The Sport and Event Hosting section and the Event Application Guide have been developed as a one-stop resource and support for event organizers. Contact the Events/Rentals Office at rentals@richmond.ca if you require any more information.
The following staff are available for assistance:
Mandy Hadfield, Manager, Sports and Community Events
Phone: 604-204-8550
Ross Sakai, Coordinator, Sports and Community Events
Phone: 604-233-3305
Pam Lacroix, Manager, Sport Hosting
Phone: 778-296-1480
Email: placroix@richmondoval.ca