Community & Culture

Affordable Housing Strategy

AH Infographic

The City of Richmond recognizes that a range of housing choices is essential in creating a diverse, inclusive and livable community in Richmond.

Approved in March 2018, the City of Richmond Affordable Housing Strategy guides the City’s involvement in addressing the affordable housing needs of Richmond residents. The strategy identifies a range of priority groups, including families, seniors, one-person households, persons with disabilities and individuals experiencing homelessness.

Affordable Housing Strategy Companion Document - Housing Affordability Profile
Affordable Housing Strategy Companion Document - Policy Recommendations

The Affordable Housing Strategy 2021 Update provides a high-level summary of what the City and community partners achieved regarding affordable housing in 2021.

Housing Needs Report

On an ongoing basis, the City of Richmond monitors key trends related to affordable housing. The 2021 Housing Needs Report provides a summary of housing needs for Richmond residents. This report will inform the development of future housing policies and programs.

Low-End Market Rental Program

In 2007, the City launched the Low-End Market Rental housing program, which has achieved significant success by securing more than 900 new affordable housing units for low and moderate income households in Richmond. Additional information is provided in the Low End Market Rental Program Bulletin.

Affordable Housing Projects

The City of Richmond continues to work in partnership with the provincial and federal governments, local housing providers and the private sector to increase the supply of affordable housing for Richmond households. Visit the Housing Projects page for more information.

Finding Affordable Housing

The City of Richmond publishes the Affordable Housing Guide, which provides a comprehensive list of affordable housing options in Richmond.

Resources for Non-Profits and Developers

Enhanced Accessibility Design Guidelines
Group Homes in Richmond outlines Richmond's policy framework and requirements for group homes. For Chinese translations: simplified traditional


The City of Richmond has won multiple awards for its affordable housing initiatives. In 2015, the Kiwanis Towers project received the UBCM Award for Excellence in Innovation and Partnership. In 2018, Storeys received the Award for Planning Excellence in Social Planning from the Canadian Institute of Planners.

Related Links

2017-2027 City of Richmond Affordable Housing Strategy
Affordable Housing Strategy Companion Document - Policy Recommendations
Updated Housing Affordability Profile
Updated Bulletin for Housing Developers

ArtWorks: Richmond Arts Strategy

ArtWorks: Richmond Arts Strategy 2019-2024 serves as a guide for decision-making to empower ideas, people and resources around a shared vision to advance the policies, programs and services needed for the arts to thrive in Richmond.

Rooted in local context, the Strategy positions the arts as a means to achieve community goals in economic development, health and well-being, infrastructure and tourism.

The development of the Arts Strategy took into consideration the goals and vision for Richmond as outlined in the Official Community Plan and related City Plans and Strategies. It is based on broad community input and was the result of extensive research and community engagement.

Child Care Strategy

Richmond Child Care Strategy 2024-2034

The Richmond Child Care Strategy 2024-2034 is the fifth child care strategy the City of Richmond has undertaken and builds upon progress made by the previous strategies.Report Cover - Richmond Child Care Strategy 2024-2034

This Strategy offers valuable insights into the current and future needs of the community, and identifies the key strengths, challenges and opportunities for child care in Richmond. The Strategy provides a set of strategic directions and actions for the City in relation to child care over the next ten years, including actions relating to creating and maintaining spaces; quality, inclusivity and accessibility; advocacy; collaboration; and education and information.

Richmond Child Care Strategy 2024-2034 (3.13MB)
HB - Child Care Strategy InfographicThe Strategy is complemented by the 2021-2031 Richmond Child Care Action Plan, which sets defined child care space creation targets and identifies clear action items to meet them.

2021-2031 Richmond Child Care Action Plan

The City of Richmond is a municipal leader in its commitment to child care. The child care space targets and actions outlined in the 2021–2031 Richmond Child Care Action Plan demonstrate the City’s recognition of child care being an essential need for Richmond residents and employees.

This plan offers valuable insight on municipal initiatives to expand and enhance child care choices in Richmond. Through research and consultation, the 2021-2031 Richmond Child Care Action Plan provides a snapshot of the current state of child care in Richmond and assesses the opportunities and challenges to better meet the child care needs of families. With this information, targets for child care space creation and actions to meet these targets are identified.

2021-2031 Richmond Child Care Action Plan
2021-2031 Richmond Child Care Action Plan - Key Findings

For more information, visit the Child Care section of our website.

Community Wellness Strategy Community Wellness Strategy Front Cover

The City of Richmond Community Wellness Strategy 2018–2023 was adopted by City Council in July 2018. The purpose of this five-year strategy is to take a collaborative and holistic approach to improve wellness for Richmond residents and to increase opportunities for individuals, neighbourhoods and communities to be active and healthy.

The Community Wellness Strategy 2018-2023 was developed in partnership between the City of Richmond, Vancouver Coastal Health – Richmond and Richmond School District No. 38. This five-year strategy prioritizes wellness as a contributor to a vibrant, appealing and livable community and identifies innovative approaches to most effectively impact wellness outcomes.

Progress Update 2022-2023 - released in Jun 2024

Richmond Community Wellness Strategy (2018-2023) - Progress Update 2022-2023

Wellness Strategy Progress Update 2022-2023

Healthy Richmond

To provide a local perspective on health and wellness issues to support the ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the Richmond Community Wellness Strategy, Vancouver Coast Health developed the Healthy Richmond Survey in 2012.

To view the full report, please visit:

Cultural Harmony Plan

Cultural HarmonyOn November 25, 2019, City Council adopted the 2019-2029 Cultural Harmony Plan, which will guide the City’s approach in enhancing cultural harmony among Richmond’s diverse population. This plan sets out five strategic directions and 27 recommended actions to be completed over a 10-year period.

The Cultural Harmony Plan Progress Report for 2019–2021 provides a high-level summary of the accomplishments and endeavours the City, in partnership with the community, has accomplished to enhance intercultural connections among Richmond’s diverse population from 2019 to 2021.

Cultural Harmony Plan Progress Report for 2022-2023
Cultural Harmony Plan Progress Report for 2019-2021


On September 9, 2019, the Richmond Homelessness Strategy 2019-2029 was adopted by City Council. This strategy was informed through extensive public engagement activities and is guiding City staff and community actions regarding homelessness service provision over the 10-year period.

The Homelessness Strategy 2019-2029 provides the following vision statement:

“By 2029, homelessness in Richmond will be rare, brief and non-recurring. Richmond is an inclusive community that works in collaboration to provide a continuum of housing and support services.”

To achieve this vision, the strategy provides five strategic directions and 32 related actions:

  1. Prevent pathways into homelessness.
  2. Support residents who are experiencing homelessness.
  3. Provide pathways out of homelessness.
  4. Foster collaboration and capacity-building among community partners.
  5. Communicate, research and monitor homelessness.

The City partners with numerous community stakeholders to undertake the recommended actions outlined in the Homelessness Strategy 2019-2029. Annual update reports to City Council (provided below) highlight ongoing progress in implementing this Strategy.

Homelessness Strategy 2019-2029 - 2024 Update
Homelessness Strategy 2019-2029 - 2023 Update
Homelessness Strategy 2019-2029 - 2022 Update
Homelessness Strategy 2019-2029 - 2021 Update
Homelessness Strategy 2019-2029 - 2020 Update

Poverty Reduction

On December 6, 2021, City Council adopted the 2021-2031 Collaborative Action Plan to Reduce and Prevent Poverty in Richmond, which will help to guide the City’s approach, in collaboration with the community, to reduce and prevent poverty in Richmond over the next 10 years. This plan sets out four strategic directions and 26 recommended actions to be completed over a 10 year period.

2021-2031 Collaborative Action Plan to Reduce and Prevent Poverty in Richmond
2021-2031 Collaborative Action Plan 2022-2023 Highlights

Richmond Accessibility Plan (2023–2033)

On April 8, 2024, City Council adopted the Richmond Accessibility Plan 2023–2033 (the Plan) to guide the advancement of accessibility in Richmond, in collaboration with the community.

The Plan sets out six strategic pillars and 34 recommended actions to be completed over a 10-year period.

2023–2033 Richmond Accessibility Plan (4.5MB)

Seniors Strategy

City Council adopted the City of Richmond Seniors Strategy (2022-2032) on September 26, 2022, which guides the work of the City and community partners to support seniors living in Richmond over the strategy’s 10-year timeframe. The purpose of the Strategy is to address the needs of the growing population of seniors in Richmond. The Strategy does this by building on a solid foundation of community supports and programs that support the vision “that seniors living in Richmond are safe, respected, healthy and engaged in their communities.”

Every two years, a Seniors Strategy Highlight Report will be presented to City Council.
Seniors Strategy Highlights Report 2023-2024

Social Development Strategy

Social Development Strategy coverOn September 9, 2013, City Council adopted the Building our Social Future - Social Development Strategy (2013-2022). The strategy has provided a roadmap to guide the City on social development matters and acted as a resource for key partners over the past 10 years.

The Social Development Strategy Progress Reports highlight the significant progress and achievements undertaken in the past 10 years to address the goals, strategic directions and actions outlined in the strategy.

Building Our Social Future - Progress Report for 2022
Building Our Social Future - Progress Report for 2021
Building Our Social Future - Progress Report for 2020
Building Our Social Future - Progress Report for 2019
Building Our Social Future - Progress Report for 2017-2018

The City is currently updating its Social Development Strategy which will build on the progress made by the 2013-2022 Social Development Strategy and guide the City's approach to addressing the social needs of Richmond's diverse population in the next 10 years. For more information on the strategy development process and upcoming community engagement activities, please contact or visit the Building our Social Future section of our website.

Youth Strategy

Richmond Youth Strategy report coverThe City of Richmond has a long history of responding to the needs and aspirations of youth in Richmond. On Jul 24, 2023, City Council adopted the 2022–2032 Richmond Youth Strategy with the vision that ‘all youth in Richmond are safe, valued, respected and have the supports, opportunities, and resources to live rich and fulfilling lives.’ The Youth Strategy is the result of a multi-phased process that included best practice research, engagement with youth, their families and key partners, and the development of a demographic profile of youth in Richmond.

Building on the progress made on the previous plans for youth in Richmond, including the 2015–2020 Youth Service Plan, the new Strategy will help to guide the City and those who work with youth in the planning and implementation of programs, services and supports.

The Strategy is organized into five strategic priorities:

1. Foundation
Youth have access to services and resources in the community that provide a foundation for wellness.

2. Voice
Youth are heard, valued and engaged as members of the community and their opinions and perspectives inform plans, programs and services that are important to them and impact their lives.

3. Collaboration
Youth are supported by an integrated and collaborative network of youth-serving agencies, non-profit organizations, public partners and local government that work together to promote positive youth development.

4. Opportunity
Youth have equitable access to a wide-range of programs, services and initiatives that address their needs and support them to learn, develop and successfully navigate the various stages and transitions from early adolescence to young adulthood.

5. Awareness
Youth, their families and the broader community have access to information and resources and are aware of the services and supports available to youth in Richmond.

In collaboration and partnership with youth, youth-serving organizations and community partners in Richmond, the City is committed to playing a leadership role in implementing the 36 actions proposed in the Youth Strategy and achieving its vision for youth and the community.

Every two years, a Youth Strategy Highlights Report will be published to provide an update on the Youth Strategy's implementation. The Youth Strategy Highlights Report 2023-2024 was published in March 2025.

Information on the 2015-2020 Youth Service Plan: Where Youth Thrive can be found in each of the annual updates.