Weather Response

High Winds

Hot Weather & Air Quality
Richmond Public Works Public Assistance
Contact Richmond's 24-Hour Public Works Dispatch: 604-270-8721
- Downed or falling trees on public property
- Traffic light outages
- Flooding in intersections
- Water creating a hazard for motorists, such as blocking a lane or restricting visibility
- Water pooling that could cause property damage
- Drinking water discolouration
- Potholes, cracks and other problems with street surfaces, sidewalks, and curbs
- Other concerns of this nature
Please note that the blockage causing water pooling in your area may be somewhere else in the drainage system, so you may not see our crews, but they are working to fix the issue.
Online Access to Civic Services
Did you know? Many City of Richmond services, including Permits and Licenses, are available online. For more information, see Digital Services
In Case of an Emergency
For a list of City of Richmond emergency contacts, see Who to Call in an Emergency