Repair Fair

Repair Fair Banner

Upcoming Repair Fair

Saturday September 14, 2024
10:00am - 2:00pm
Minoru Centre for Active Living
7191 Granville Ave, Richmond BC

Appointments will open Wednesday August 21.

Richmond is encouraging residents to “Rethink Waste” to help reduce waste and support a circular economy, including extending the life of household items by maintaining and repairing them rather than buying new.

Please be advised that all drop-ins will meet with experts on a first-come, first-serve basis. One clothing item per session and one session per person.

Follow Environmental Programs Eventbrite to receive a notification when bookings open.

Next Events

Richmond Repair Fairs will be taking a brief break in July and August and will be returning in September 2024.

Saturday October 19- East Richmond Community Hall
Saturday November 16 - Thompson Community Centre

Can you fix it?

We're always looking for experts in clothing/textile, small appliances, furniture, lawnmowers, jewelry to be able to expand the services offered at our repair fairs, to learn more, please contact Environmental Programs at