Pollinators in a Bee City

Close-up of a bee on purple cone flower

Bee partner logo - bee certified cityRichmond is a Certified Bee City

Pollinators are essential to our ecosystems, helping plants and crops thrive through their vital work. Richmond, proudly designated as a Certified Bee City, is committed to protecting these vital species. Join us in supporting our pollinators by participating in various community activities and planting pollinator-friendly gardens.

Celebrate Pollinator Week - Jun 17 to 23, 2024

Did you know that pollinators are responsible for 1 out of 3 bites of food we eat?

That means that species like bees, butterflies, beetles, moths, and hummingbirds play a critical role in our ecosystems, agricultural economy, and food supply.  Aren't they super cool? And we've been certified as a Bee City since 2022!

Pollinators travel from flower to flower carrying pollen on their body, then transfer that pollen to reproduce seeds and fruits, plants and crops. Let’s celebrate pollinator week from June 17-23. Here is what you can do:

  • Host a pollinator-themed meal
  • Host a nature walk
  • Participate in a pollinator workshop
  • Plant a pollinator garden using native plants
  • Screen a film about pollinators
  • Build native pollinator homes

Win a Pollinator Gift Bundle

Let us know how you celebrate Pollinator Week in Richmond and win a pollinator gift bundle by emailing envsustainability@richmond.ca

Thank you for helping us expand the Richmond Nectar Trail

During the COVID-19 pandemic the City of Richmond hosted an online event aimed to encourage residents to plant and maintain small plots of pollinating plants throughout Richmond. We then asked participants to mark their garden's location on our interactive map. Check out the interactive map:

Richmond Nectar Trail Interactive Map

Be a bee ambassador!