Law & Community Safety

The Law & Community Safety Division manages the following City functions:

Fire Rescue RCMP Community Bylaws Emergency Programs Human Resources Animal Protection Services

Animal Protection Services

The Animal Protection Services Department oversees the dog licencing program and is responsible for the oversight of all animal-related bylaws.

In addition, this department liaises with the City’s contracted - Animal Services provider, BC SPCA. The BC SPCA provides a full-range of animal services including operating Richmond’s animal shelter, enforcing Richmond’s animal regulation bylaws, and patrolling of parks and school grounds.

Further, this department also oversees Community Bylaw contracts related to City owned parking meters and vehicle towing on public property, in addition to adjudicating animal–related tickets.

Animal Protection Services- General Inquiries, Bylaw Complaints & Enforcement Requests 6911 No. 3 Road, Richmond,
British Columbia, V6Y 2C1 BCSPCA: 604-709-4668

Business Licences

The Business Licences Department is responsible for:
  • issuance and renewal of business licences and commercial vehicle decals
  • investigation of unlicensed businesses and adjudicate suspension of licences when Business Licence Bylaw violations occur
  • administering the Vehicle for Hire Bylaw, which includes taxis, tour buses and car rental agencies
  • regulating all liquor licences in the City and participating in joint inspection programs with the RCMP and Liquor Control and Licensing Branch

Business Licence Inquiries 6911 No. 3 Road, Richmond,
British Columbia, V6Y 2C1 604-276-4328 604-276-4157

Community Bylaws

The role of the Community Bylaws Department is to lead, assist, or partner with other agencies to ensure that the City's various bylaws are complied with for the overall safety of the community.

Community Bylaws staff investigate complaints regarding alleged bylaw infractions, liaise with those found to be in non-compliance, and work with residents and/or businesses impacted by such issues to attain voluntary compliance. The City’s approach to bylaw enforcement is progressive in nature with the objective of obtaining regulatory compliance through education, mediation, progressive enforcement, and prosecution should issues of non-compliance not be addressed in a timely manner.

Property Use

Bylaw Liaison Officers address issues such as: Unsightly Premises; Zoning (Land Use); Building and Vehicle for hire (towing); and Short Term Rentals. Officers also address Water Sprinkling Regulations during the summer. Tow permits for private parking lot are processed by this group. In addition, the City’s Soil Bylaw Officer addresses issues related to soil deposition and removal for all lands in the City.


The Parking section's purpose is to enhance the City's safety and reduce liability risks through the enforcement of the City’s parking and traffic related bylaws.

Bylaw Liaison Officers address non-moving traffic violations on City streets and lands. Officers address double parking; road obstruction; fire hydrant obstruction; parking by yellow curbs; driveway encroachment; parking in no stopping zones on major arterials and fire lanes; crosswalk encroachment; blocked sidewalks; parking facing traffic; construction zones; unlicensed vehicles; abandoned vehicle removal; unattached trailers; and unauthorized parking in public handicapped stalls. Officers also assist the public by providing directions to those who are lost; and offer assistance to those whose vehicle may have broken down.

Bylaws - General Inquiries, Bylaw Complaints & Enforcement Requests 6911 No. 3 Road, Richmond,
British Columbia, V6Y 2C1 604-276-4345


Bylaws & Municipal Tickets 6911 No. 3 Road, Richmond,
British Columbia, V6Y 2C1 Parking Ticket Payment

Emergency Programs

The Emergency Programs section provides services to ensure the protection of life, public infrastructure, private property and the environment in the event of an emergency or disaster situation. This section works closely with Richmond's protective service agencies and other divisions to develop plans and programs which outline the City's preparedness, response and recovery measures.

The Emergency Programs key initiatives include:

Emergency Management

  • Oversees emergency planning activities, including program planning, development and implementation.
  • Ensures the Emergency Plan identifies the specific actions, roles and responsibilities to be carried out in the event of an emergency or disaster as well as identify response priorities and recovery strategies.
  • Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) - In the event of an emergency the City will activate its Emergency Operations Centre (EOC). The EOC is a facility where key City personnel and other response agencies gather to co-ordinate resources needed to respond to emergency situations.
  • Regional Emergency Co-ordination Centre - The City is also a participating member of the RECC or the Regional Emergency Co-ordination Centre which is located at the ECOMM building in Vancouver. The purpose of the RECC is to enhance emergency response measures by bringing various municipalities and utility companies together allowing them to share information and resources.

Training and Exercise

  • Co-ordinates the training and exercise to provide regular training to staff and volunteers who have designated emergency response roles in the Emergency Plan.

Community Awareness

  • Provides the public with on-going education with respect to overall emergency preparedness through presentations, demonstrations and promotional material.
  • Reviews how we will communicate with the community in the event of a disaster.

Emergency Social Services

  • Ensures the current Emergency Social Services Plan addresses the provision of services to evacuees, including temporary food, shelter, clothing, counselling and other personal services. The plan will also include details of facilities to assist staff and volunteers in the establishment of reception centres or emergency shelters.
  • Provides Personal Disaster Assistance to support individuals who are displaced from their homes due to fire or other emergency situations. If support for the family is not immediately available through family, friends or insurance, Personal Disaster Assistance may provide accommodation, food, clothing and other necessities for up to three days following the disaster.

Resource and Communications Program

  • Maintains the listing of resources and communications available throughout the community and the associated costs/agreements. This initiative also includes a review of the communication methods to be used in the event of an emergency and recommendations concerning alternatives that are available.

Departmental Emergency Planning

  • Reviews Departmental Emergency Plans to identify how priority services will be restored and what main services will be provided.

Business Continuity Planning

  • Ensures the Business Continuity Plan identifies the risk assessment, business impact, recovery strategy, business continuity and implementation procedures for ensuring that key city services are maintained after an emergency or disaster.

Emergency Programs 6960 Gilbert Road, Richmond,
British Columbia, V7C 3V4 604-233-3333

Fire Rescue

Fire-Rescue's programs are delivered in an integrated way with each section working together to achieve our mission. We work in partnership with the community and our safety partners in support of a safe Richmond.

Our mission

"We act as an effective team to proactively protect and enhance the City’s livability by serving and educating our community, preventing harm and responding to emergencies."

We are in the business of saving lives, preventing injuries, and minimizing loss. This is achieved through the integrated delivery of our prevention, education, and emergency response programs.


Focuses on community risk and supports safety and effective emergency response. They:

  • Conduct fire inspections and enforce regulations.
  • Conduct fire investigations for cause.
  • Review permits and plans for regulatory safety compliance.
  • Provide fire and life safety information.


Focuses on injury reduction, loss of life prevention and encourages everyone to take responsibility for their own safety. Education is based on community risk, emerging needs, and the diverse needs of Richmond. They:

  • Coordinate the delivery of community-based fire and life safety educational information and programs.
  • Connect with the community to facilitate mutual understanding, community needs and to build relationships.

Emergency Response

Focuses on emergency fire or rescue 9-1-1 call response to avoid or limit the loss of life, property, or business. They:

  • Deliver continuous emergency 9-1-1 fire and rescue services.
  • Conduct fire safety drills.
  • Conduct fire and home safety inspections.
  • Deliver safety information and programs.
  • Train and drill to maintain skills.
  • Test apparatus and equipment to maintain emergency readiness.
  • Examine service delivery and conducts pre-emergency planning.

Our programs are managed and/or supported by our staff in administration, training, emergency equipment and vehicle maintenance units.

Fire Rescue Emergency Telephone Number: 911 Non-Emergency Inquiries: 604-278-5131 Brighouse Fire Hall No. 1, 6960 Gilbert Road
Richmond, British Columbia, V7C 3V4

Law Department

The Law Department is responsible for:
  • providing advice to City Council and staff regarding the City's legal rights and obligations
  • ensuring bylaws presented to City Council for adoption are legally correct
  • preparing legal documents for the acquisition, sale or lease of real property
  • preparing legal documents related to Development Applications and Building Permit Applications
  • negotiating, preparing and reviewing contracts and other legal documents on behalf of the City ensuring that the City is represented in court proceedings in which it is involved. 
Anthony Capuccinello Iraci
City Solicitor & General Manager, Law and Community Safety 604-276-4203


Policing in Richmond is contracted to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (R.C.M.P.). The Province of British Columbia has entered into an agreement with the Government of Canada to employ the R.C.M.P. to carry out the duties of a provincial police force. The City has in turn entered into an agreement with the Province of British Columbia to employ the R.C.M.P. to carry out the duties of a local police force in the City of Richmond.

The R.C.M.P. Richmond Detachment assists in the setting of policy regarding policing for the City, in consultation with City Council, senior staff and community consultation groups. The City sets policing budgets and priorities regarding the policing services for the City. In addition, the City provides the necessary buildings and administrative support staffing.

The R.C.M.P. provides the following services: law enforcement, crime prevention programs, victim services, youth section, and a youth intervention program.

RCMP - Richmond Detachment Emergency Phone: 911 Non-Emergency Phone: 604-278-1212 11411 No. 5 Road,
Richmond, British Columbia, V7A 4E8

City Centre Community Policing Office 604-207-4761 6931 Granville Avenue,
Richmond, British Columbia, V7C 4M9

South Arm Community Policing Office 604-713-2300 8880 Williams Road,
Richmond, British Columbia, V7A 1G6

Steveston Community Policing Office 604-713-2323 4371 Moncton Street,
Richmond, British Columbia, V7E 3A8

Block Watch 604-207-4829

Business Link 604-207-4829

Victims Services 604-207-4799

Youth Intervention Program (YIP) 604-207-4712

Recovered Lost or Stolen Bikes
Bikes that are recovered by City staff or the police are stored at the City Works Yard Stores Building located at 5599 Lynas Lane. Please call ahead to 604-244-1246 to arrange viewing times. Unclaimed bikes are sold at auction. Auctions are advertised in advance in the newspaper and on this website in the news section.