Recycling & Garbage

Reuse and Repair Cafe Rethink it don't toss it 

Next Reuse & Repair Cafe: April 19

Book at repair appointment for our next event, Saturday April 19 at the West Richmond Community Centre.

Programs & Services


Sign-Up for Free Recycling & Garbage Reminders

Single-family home residents can sign-up for free recycling and garbage pick up day reminders. Residents can set up how to receive reminders by email, text message or phone call. The tool is simple and easy to use. Just enter your address below and click on "Find."

Richmond Recycling App Banner

Note: This service does not apply to townhomes and multi-family dwellings with private garbage pick-up or Blue Carts. Contact your property management company for your pick-up schedule.

Recycling and Garbage Brochures and Guides

Richmond delivers a wide range of recycling and waste management services for all residents to ensure that all waste is managed effectively and efficiently. The following are links to program brochures and guides.

Curbside Collection Programs

These documents are for residents in single-family homes and some townhomes with curbside collection services.
Resources Curbside 2021

Centralized Collection Programs

These documents are for residents in multi-family complexes (apartments, condominiums and some townhomes) with share recycling enclosure.
Resources Centralized 2021

Resources Brochures 2021

Helpful Links

Organizations Descriptions
Environment and Climate Change Strategy

Responsible for the effective protection, management and conservation of BC’s water, land, air and living resources. It leads work on climate preparedness and adaptation and leads plans to meet greenhouse gas reduction targets.

Canadian Plastics Industry Association (CPIA)

Information on issues of plastic manufacturing in Canada, reuse of plastics, plastics recycling, health, industry safety and the environment.

Composting Council of Canada

Composting Council of Canada is a national non-profit organization that serves as the central resource and network for composting industry in Canada.

Eco Waste Industries Ltd

Ecowaste operates a commercial landfill and recycling operation in Richmond.

Extended Producer Responsibility
Information on British Columbia's Industry-Led Product Stewardship programs require producers of designated products to take Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for the life cycle management of their products, including collection and recycling.
Love Food Hate Waste Canada

National campaign to help Canadians make the most of the food they love.

Metro Vancouver Metro Vancouver is responsible for waste reduction, recycling planning, and the operation of a series of solid waste facilities in the region.
National Zero Waste Council The National Zero Waste Council, an initiative of Metro Vancouver, is leading Canada's transition to a circular economy by bringing together governments, businesses and NGOs to advance a waste prevention agenda that maximizes economic opportunities for the benefit of all Canadians.
Recycling Council of BC (RCBC) Non-profit organization that promotes the principles of zero waste through information services, the exchange of ideas and research.

Phone: 604-732-9253 (604-RECYCLE)
Richmond Shares Non-profit organization that facilitates the exchange of gently used items
Annual Report Cover 2023 

Annual Report 2023: Back to Basics

Read the City of Richmond's Recycling and Solid Waste Management Annual Report.

To Report Missed Garbage or Recycling Pick-Up