Parks Programs

Programs are focused on engaging individuals and community groups in the activation of parks and open spaces.

Educational and recreational based programs are offered at numerous parks across Richmond in addition to stewardship opportunities and activities that are offered through the Partners for Beautification Program. Parks Programs staff also coordinate community events, including the Richmond Garlic Festival, and a variety of urban agricultural and wildlife initiatives including the community garden program and bird nest boxes programs.

Public programs are offered year-round to all ages. Visit the Program Registration page to browse the current offerings, email or check the following link for further information.

The City and partners are proud to offer high-quality and social programs and services for those 55+ years at eight community facilities, including the Seniors Centre at the Minoru Centre for Active Living.

Program Guides

Review the Parks Programs program guide and then register!

Parks Program Guide - Winter 2025
Parks Program Guide - Spring 2025

3 Ways to Register

  • Select the Browse & Register button
  • 604-276-4300, Mon-Fri, 8:30am-5:00pm (excluding statutory holidays)
  • In-person at any community facility

Browse & Register  

In addition to stewardship, education, activities and events, Parks Programs is also charged with a central role in urban wildlife management. For more information about urban wildlife, call the Richmond Nature Park at 604-238-6188.
For additional Parks Programs information, click on the links below: