Wellness Clinics & Resources

Wellness Clinics
Clinics offer in-person information for those 55+ years that live in Richmond. Services might include:
- Blood pressure checks with current or retired nurses
- Blood glucose checks, medication reviews and consultations with local pharmacies
- Booths hosted by local community organizations that support seniors
- Treatments (Registration required)
- Foot Care with a Licensed Foot Care Nurse (for a fee)
- Reflexology or Shiatsu with a Holistic Health Practitioner (for a fee)
- Chair massage with a Registered Massage Therapy student (free)
Call each centre directly to find out what is being offered at each individual facility.
Wellness Clinics 2025
Multilingual Seniors Guides
View the BC Seniors' Guides online or pick up a copy from the Seniors Coordinator at any community centre. Electronic versions of the guide in Punjabi, Chinese and French are also available online.
Seniors Information & Referral at Richmond Caring Place
This free service, offered in partnership between Richmond Cares, Richmond Gives, Vancouver Coastal Health and the City of Richmond, provides a vital link between seniors and eligible services and benefits. Trained senior volunteers assist other seniors in completing forms and by making referrals to services and programs available in the community. Information & Referral (I & R) Counsellors can assist with:
Appointment required Mon-Fri: 9:00am-4:00pm
Phone: 604-279-7020
Email: info@rcrg.org
#190-7000 Minoru Boulevard,
Richmond, BC