Application Forms & Information

Important! New fee increases effective January 1 of each year. Refer to City Bylaws, Chapter 5 - Finance and Budgets - Consolidated Fees Bylaw 8636.

We are working to make it easier for you to request, pay for and manage your applications and licences online. You can access in-depth information about our online tools below:

Man in a hard hat looking at a tablet device

MyPermit Portal

Apply, pay and manage your building and development applications online with MyPermit.
Woman business owner looking at a tablet device

MyBusiness Portal

Apply, renew or change your business licence online with MyBusiness.

Additional City requirements can be found in the Development Applications Bulletins.

Development Permit Application Development Permit Application Supporting Documents: Notice to Development Permit Applicants, Schedule 1 - Site Disclosure Statement (fillable pdf available on Province of BC - Site remediation forms).

Development Application
Rezoning Application
Servicing Agreement ApplicationStarting December 2, 2024, City of Richmond will accept Servicing Agreement Applications exclusively through MyPermit. Servicing Agreement applications will no longer be accepted in person or by email. To learn more, visit For more information on how to get started, visit Servicing Agreement Applications.
Subdivision Application
Letter of Authorization
Change an Existing Development Application
Steveston Village Heritage Conservation Area
Heritage Alteration Permit Application
Heritage Revitalization Agreement Application
Official Community Plan Amendment
Temporary Use Permit
Development Cost Charges (DCCs) & Growth Fees

The following list includes currently applicable DCC and growth fees, as well as what types of development they pertain to.

City-Wide Development Cost Charges

City DCCs are charged on all applicable developments to fund approved capital upgrades necessitated by growth.
Applicable Development Types: All types of development.
Rate: See City Bylaw 10558 for new rates (effective date: July 24, 2024); for information on in-stream protection for applications, please refer to bulletin INFO-58.
For how the area of each applicable development type is calculated and charged, please reference bulletin DEVAPPS-06.

Alexandra Area Supplemental Development Cost Charge

Applicable Development Types: All types of development within the Alexandra sub-area.
See Schedule A to Bylaw 9499 for boundaries.
Rate: See Schedule C to Bylaw 9499 for current rates

Metro Vancouver DCC

DCCs collected by the City on behalf of Metro Vancouver. Liquid Waste DCC is for regional sewerage and drainage upgrades, Regional Water DCC is to fund growth-related expansion of regional drinking water infrastructure and Regional Parkland Acquisition DCC is to fund new parkland acquisitions to meet the needs of the future occupants of new residential and non-residential developments in the region.
Applicable Development Types: All types of development.
Rates: See Liquid Waste DCCRegional Water DCC and Regional Parkland Acquisition DCC websites for rate table & bylaw details and map of different sewerage areas.

Translink Regional Transit DCC

DCC collected by the City on behalf of Translink. This charge is to pay for regional transit upgrades and is applied to all new development in Translink’s Service Region.
Applicable Development Types: All types of development.
Rates: See Translink DCC website for rate table and bylaw details.

School Site Acquisition Charge

A charge collected by the City on behalf of School District No. 38 (Richmond) to fund future school site acquisition. Applicable Development Types: All types of development.

Rates: Rates vary based on density of development. See bulletin INFO-22 for current rates.

Annual DCC Report

2023 Annual Development Cost Charges Report and Appendices

Board of Variance Applications
Agricultural Land Reserve Applications Please contact to request for a pre-application review prior to submitting your application.

Your application must include the Appropriate Land Reserve Commission applications and attachments, site plan showing a generalized layout of the existing and proposed uses. Where a portion of a parcel is the subject of the application (i.e. subdivision/non-farm use), a plan showing the precise dimensions with distances and bearings is also required. Applicable fees are summarized in the table below.

Note: The applicant only pays the ALC portion of the application fee if Council forwards the application to the ALC.
Application Type Fee to Local Government Fee to ALC Total Fee
Non-Adhering Residential Use $450.00 $450.00 $900.00
Non-farm Use  $750.00  $750.00  $1,500.00
Subdivision  $750.00 $750.00 $1,500.00

Information Disclaimer

Some information on this website includes material obtained from other agencies and levels of government. While every effort is made to ensure that the City is providing the most current material, only the agency or level of government that the material originated from can verify that you have obtained the most up to date version. The City does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the material.