Location Filming Fees

City of Richmond Location Filming Fee Schedule

Mandatory Fees

Application for Filming Agreement $232
Street Use Fee / 30m (100ft.) / day $64
Production Office Business Licence $162
Parking signs and installation Full cost recovery

Other Fees

RCMP / per hour per person (4 hour minimum) $134
Fire Engine / per hour (4 hour minimum) $165
Fire Captain / per hour (4 hour minimum) $116
Firefighter / per hour per person ( 4 hour / 3 firefighter minimum) $93
Use of Special Effects / per day $142
Use of Fire Hydrant (first day) $235
Use of Fire Hydrant (each additional day) $77.50

GST applies to the fees listed above. Fees are subject to change without notice. This is not a complete list of fees, please contact the Richmond Film Office for more information.

Richmond Film Office

Office: 604-247-4659