Construction Projects

Capital Projects Highlights

Use this interactive map to explore some of the major Engineering and Public Works projects we are working on to advance the City’s strategies. You can interact with projects that interest you through the map or the links.

Explore Richmond's Capital Projects Highlights

Annual Asphalt Re-paving Program

Project Description

Maintenance paving will be conducted on Major Road Network (MRN) and Non-Major Road Network (Non-MRN) classified roads in alignment with the City’s Ageing Infrastructure Strategy and the Pavement Management System. The project includes the costs associated with ancillary works such as curb, gutter, road base repairs and other incidental work such as manhole adjustments and line painting.

The annual re-paving program may also include, but not be limited to, the pavement component of the City’s capital water, sanitary and drainage upgrade projects.


Various locations throughout the City.

General Considerations

  • Typical hours of work will be from 7:00am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday. Work outside of these hours may be required in some locations.
  • Vehicle and pedestrian traffic may be limited at times.
  • Businesses and residents will be notified in advance of work that may impact them.

Capital Funding


Estimated Completion Date

Q4 2024

Project Manager

Wasim Memon
Burkeville Utility Upgrades

Project Description

The Burkeville neighbourhood is undergoing a comprehensive drainage upgrade project that includes replacing ageing watermains, sanitary sewers, and roadways in several phases. The phasing is designed to prioritize address servicing concerns and reduce construction impacts to the community. During each phase, drainage, water, sanitary, and road infrastructure improvements within the identified phasing areas will be completed. Upgrading the drainage network will reduce local flood risks by increasing the City’s storm system capacity and better servicing the Burkeville area.


Burkeville Area.

General Considerations

  • Typical hours of work will be from 7:00am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday.
  • Vehicle and pedestrian traffic may be limited at times. Residents will be notified in advance of work that may impact them.
  • Vegetation removal within City right-of-way may be necessary. The City will try to avoid or minimize such impacts. If residents wish to retain and relocate the vegetation onto their property, they may do so prior to project commencement. Trees cannot be relocated without a permit from the City.
  • Excavation of driveway crossings may be necessary during construction. Residents will be notified in advance of such work. Driveway crossings will be restored to original condition upon project completion.

Capital Funding


Estimated Completion Date

Q4 2024

Project Manager

Roger Keating
Steveston Highway Multi-Use Pathway - Phases 1 & 2

Project Description

This project includes the provision of a 2.5m to 3.0m wide paved multi-use pathway along the south side of Steveston Highway between Shell Road and No. 2 Road. This will include the installation of new curbing and boulevard space to provide physical separation between traffic and path users. Street and path lighting upgrades will be installed and a landscaped boulevard will be included where feasible. The new east-west pedestrian and cycling corridor on Steveston Highway will enhance connectivity with the existing north-south corridors along Shell Road, No. 2 Road, and Railway Avenue, as well as major pedestrian and cyclist traffic generators in the area.


Steveston Highway between No. 2 Road and Shell Road.

General Considerations

  • Typical work will be from 7:00am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday. Occasional work outside these hours may be required.
  • Vehicle and pedestrian traffic may be limited at times.
  • Residents will be notified in advance of the work that may impact them.
  • Pruning of vegetation within City right-of-way may be necessary. The City will try to avoid or minimize such impacts.
  • The City strives to safeguard Richmond's urban forest and maintain healthy trees whenever feasible, although some tree removal and replacement may be necessary for this project. Residents will be notified in advance of such work.


  • The City strives to safeguard Richmond's urban forest and maintain healthy trees whenever feasible, although some tree removal and replacement may be necessary for this project. Residents will be notified in advance of such work.

Estimated Completion Date

Q2 2025

Project Manager

AJ Morris

Zach Jennejohn

Steveston Highway Multi-Use Pathway - Phase 3

Project Description

This project includes the provision of a 3.0 m wide paved multi-use pathway along the south side of Steveston Highway between No. 2 Road and Railway Avenue. This will include the installation of new curbing and boulevard space to provide physical separation between traffic and path users. Street and path lighting upgrades will be installed and a landscaped boulevard will be included where feasible. The new east-west pedestrian and cycling corridor on Steveston Highway will enhance connectivity with the existing north-south corridors along Shell Road, No. 2 Road, and Railway Avenue, as well as major pedestrian and cyclist traffic generators in the area.


Steveston Highway between No. 2 Road and Railway Avenue.

General Considerations

  • Typical work will be from 7:00am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday. Occasional work outside these hours may be required.
  • Vehicle and pedestrian traffic may be limited at times.
  • Residents will be notified in advance of the work that may impact them.
  • Pruning of vegetation within City right-of-way may be necessary. The City will try to avoid or minimize such impacts.


  • The City strives to safeguard Richmond's urban forest and maintain healthy trees whenever feasible, although some tree removal and replacement may be necessary for this project. Residents will be notified in advance of such work.

Capital Funding


Estimated Completion Date

Q1 2025

Project Manager

Patrick Lai
Watermain Replacement Program

Project Description

The Watermain Replacement Program is to replace ageing water pipes with new PVC pipes as part of the City’s watermain replacement program. Watermain replacement minimizes unplanned maintenance and improves fire protection. This project is in alignment with the City’s Ageing Infrastructure Replacement Strategy.

This project includes installation of a total of 5,550 m of watermain throughout the city.


  • No. 7 Road from Cambie Road to River Road
  • No. 2 Road from Williams Road to Steveston Highway
  • Seacote Neighbourhood

General Considerations

  • Typical work will be from 7:00am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday. Occasional evening work may be required.
  • Vehicle and pedestrian traffic may be limited at times.
  • Residents will be notified in advance of the work that may impact them.
  • Vegetation removal within City right-of-way may be necessary. The City will try to avoid or minimize such impacts. If you wish to retain and relocate the vegetation onto your property, you may do so prior to project commencement; however, trees cannot be relocated without a permit.
  • Excavation of driveway crossings may be necessary during construction. Driveway crossings will be restored to original condition upon project completion.

Capital Funding


Estimated Completion Date

Q4 2024

Project Manager

Roger Keating 
Canal Stabilization Works

Project Description

The City has identified priority locations in need of canal stabilization repair and improvements. These improvements will reduce canal servicing costs, strengthen embankments, minimize future road repairs, and improve drainage in the area.


  • Sidaway Road from Blundell Road to Westminster Highway – Canal Stabilization
    Shoulder/Road reconstruction and paving at various canal stabilization locations

General Considerations

  • Typical hours of work will be from 7:00am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday. Subject to change.
  •  Vehicle and pedestrian traffic may be limited at times.
  • Residents will be notified in advance of work that may impact them.

Capital Funding


Estimated Completion Date

Q4 2024

Project Manager

Elena Paller
No. 2 Road Multi-Use Pathway

Project Description

This project includes the provision of a 3.0 m wide paved multi-use pathway along the east side of No. 2 Road from Steveston Highway to Williams Road. This will include the installation of new curbing and boulevard space to provide physical separation between traffic and path users. Street and path lighting upgrades will be installed and a landscaped boulevard will be included where feasible. This new north-south pedestrian and cycling corridor on No. 2 Road will enhance connectivity with the east-west corridors along Steveston Highway and Williams Road, as well as major pedestrian and cyclist traffic generators in the area.


  • No. 2 Road from Steveston Highway to Williams Road

General Considerations

  • Typical hours of work will be from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. Occasional work outside these hours may be required.
  • Vehicle and pedestrian traffic may be limited at times.

  • Residents will be notified in advance of work that may impact them.

  • Excavation of driveway crossings may be necessary during construction. Residents will be notified in advance of such work. Driveway crossings will be restored to original condition upon project completion.

  • The City strives to safeguard Richmond's urban forest and maintain healthy trees whenever feasible, although some tree removal and replacement may be necessary for this project. Residents will be notified in advance of such work.

Capital Funding


Estimated Completion Date

Q4 2024

Project Manager

Roger Keating
Cambie and No. 5 Road Intersection Improvements

Project Description

The Intersection Improvements at Cambie Road and No. 5 Road are part of the City's continued efforts to enhance its pedestrian/cyclist infrastructure to manage safe and efficient movement. This project will provide dedicated left-turn lanes on all four legs of the intersection. A 3.1 m wide paved multi-use pathway will be constructed along the north side of Cambie Road at the intersection to enhance safety of road users.


  • The intersection of Cambie Road and No. 5 Road

General Considerations

  • Typical hours of work will be from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. Occasional work outside of these hours may be required.


  • Vehicle and pedestrian traffic may be limited at times.

  • Residents will be notified in advance of work that may impact them.

  • Excavation of driveway crossings may be necessary during construction. Residents will be notified in advance of such work. Driveway crossings will be restored to original condition upon project completion.

Capital Funding


Estimated Completion Date

Q4 2024

Project Manager

Elena Paller
Box Culvert Repair

Project Description

The City of Richmond’s Box Culvert Inspection Program identifies locations where settlement, cracking, and infiltration occur due to ageing box culverts. The scope of this project includes the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the box culvert along West of No. 4 Road, spanning from Alderbridge Way to Westminster Highway. This project involves the resealing of joints and the injection of void-filling material to mitigate the deterioration of No. 4 Road. Repair work may also include, but is not limited to, patching, grouting, and structural lining. Additionally, point repairs will be performed throughout the year as identified by the City’s Box Culvert Inspection Program.


  • West of No. 4 Road, from Alderbridge Way to Westminster Highway.


General Considerations

  • Typical hours of work will be from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. Occasional work outside of these hours may be required.
  • Vehicle and pedestrian traffic may be limited at times.

  • Residents will be notified in advance of work that may impact them.

Capital Funding


Estimated Completion Date

Q4 2024

Project Manager

Roger Keating
Road Safety Improvements - Westminster Highway and No. 5 Road

Project Description

The primary component of this project is the removal of the existing channelized island at the northwest corner of the intersection, to mitigate conflicts between vehicles and cyclists/pedestrians. Additional upgrades include expanding the pedestrian refuge areas and enhancing safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users at the intersection. Specifically, this includes a new bus pad and sidewalk at the northwest corner, as well as enlarged pedestrian sidewalk areas at the southwest and southeast corners. It also involves the creation of new bike lanes in both eastbound and westbound directions on Westminster Highway approaching and passing through the intersection, as well as on the southbound approach of No. 5 Road.


  • Westminster Highway and No. 5 Road

General Considerations

  • Typical hours of work will be from 7:00am – 5:00pm, Monday to Friday. Work outside of these hours may be required in some locations..
  • Vehicle and pedestrian traffic may be limited at times.

  • Businesses and residents will be notified in advance of work that may impact them.

Capital Funding


Estimated Completion Date

Q1 2025

Project Manager

Elena Paller