Trails & Cycling
Richmond's Recreational Trails and Cycling
Built on two main islands with a group of smaller islands at the mouth of one of the world's great rivers, Richmond offers a unique ecological setting for enjoyment and exploration. Rich and natural agricultural and industrial environments have evolved in Richmond where the Fraser River meets the Pacific Ocean.
Recreational trails are a key part of Richmond's parks and open space network linking places and spaces and encouraging people to be physically active and less dependent on cars.

Rules and Etiquette
Refer to the Rules and Etiquette page to become familiar with the Recreational Trails courtesy code. With cooperation, the beauty and the recreational opportunities that are offered by trails can be preserved.
Find Your Path to Active Living
Find the path to better health and active living by walking, running or cycling along any trail taking in the scenic beauty that surrounds Richmond. With over 50 km of trails, spend countless hours exploring new sights.
Choose an Adventure
There is a new adventure on every recreational trail: heritage sites that offers serenity of time long past; birds, flora and fauna, and other wildlife that share the foreshore environments including the agricultural community and the fishing fleet.
Nature and Heritage Interpretation
The Richmond Museum and the Richmond Nature Park Society each offer a number of interpretive tours or sites along the Richmond recreational trails. Call the Richmond Museum at 604-247-8300 or the Richmond Nature Park at 604-238-6188 for more information.
Related Documents:
2010 Richmond Trail Strategy Report.
Note: This report is a large file, so it can take time to load.