About Richmond
Richmond is a culturally diverse and geographically unique community centrally located on the west coast of Canada in metro Vancouver. The city is 20 minutes from downtown Vancouver, 25 minutes from the US border and is the location of Metro Vancouver's international airport.
A venue City for the 2010 Winter Games, Richmond has been experiencing growth and change with remarkable speed, transforming from a rural, local community to an international city with a balance of urban, suburban family and rural areas. The continuing development of the city's downtown core and waterfront areas, the Canada Line rapid transit system and the legacy of the Richmond Olympic Oval ensures that Richmond's transformation is ongoing.
Richmond also has a colourful history that is celebrated at museums and several public heritage sites, some of which are of national importance. These include the historic Steveston Fishing Village.
See the City Profile for a more detailed description of Richmond's location, population and geography, and the city's many cultural and recreational amenities.
Browse this section of our website to learn more about Richmond's history, demographic and geographic make up.