Application Forms

When making an application to film in the City of Richmond please complete and submit the following forms via email at

Please include the following completed and signed documents in one email:

  • Film Application and Hold Harmless Agreement;
  • Proof of General Liability Insurance in the amount of $5 million (minimum) with the City of Richmond named as additional insured;
  • Special Effects, Fire Hydrant and Richmond Police Request Form, as applicable; and
  • Street parking maps, Traffic Management Plans, site maps and draft notification letters, as applicable.

For all Filming Requests, complete and submit this form (includes hold harmless agreement and guidelines) to the Richmond Film Office:
Filming Application Form and Hold Harmless Agreement

For all Student Filming Requests, complete and submit this form to the Richmond Film Office:
Student Filming Application Form

A Richmond Business Licence may be required for filming activity. Complete and submit this form to the Richmond Film Office:
Business Licence Application Form.

If you require the use of a City fire hydrant, complete and submit this form to the Richmond Film Office:
Application for Use of City Fire Hydrant

If you are using special effects, including explosives and pyrotechnics, complete and submit this form along with the required supporting documents to the Richmond Film Office:
Richmond Fire-Rescue Pyrotechnic Special Effects Permit Application Form

If you require the use of a Police Officer(s) for your filming activity, complete and submit this form to the Richmond Film Office
Richmond Police Request Form

You may require an electrical permit. Electrical Permits are issued by Technical Safety BC. Please visit their website for forms and information:

Additional Information

  • City Services requirements (police, fire, signs, or other) must be determined in advance and a deposit must be paid a minimum of 72 hours prior to filming.
  • A copy of the notice to merchants and resident must be forwarded to the Richmond Film Office for approval prior to distribution, notices must include the Richmond Film Office as an alternate contact person.
  • Late cancellation or changes of service requested may be subject to cancellation charges.
  • A parking plan for crew and work vehicles must be submitted to the Richmond Film Office for approval prior to approval being distributed.
  • For any special/practical effects work, including explosions, smoke, fire, gunfire or aerial work, a special effects meeting may be required and should be held at least 10 days prior to the work taking place.

Please see the Richmond Filming Guidelines for more information.