Permits and Licences
We are working to make it easier for you to request, pay for and manage your development applications, building permits and business licences online. You can access more in-depth information about both online tools below.

MyPermit Portal
Apply, pay and manage your building permits and development applications online with MyPermit
MyBusiness Portal
Apply, renew or change your business licence online with MyBusinessIf you have questions regarding any of these application forms, contact the Customer Service Centre or see Contact Us to find the department contact.
Rezoning, Subdivision, and Development Permits
For complete information on Development Application Services visit the Business & Development section and hover your mouse over "Development & Rezoning" in the main menu. The following are links to permit information in that section:
- Development Permit Guide
- Rezoning Guide
- Subdivision Guide
- Application Forms & Information
- Development Variance Permit * - Use the Development Application form
- Temporary Commercial and Industrial Use Permits - Use the Development Application form to apply.
Building Approvals
For complete information on Building Approvals Services visit the Business & Development section and hover your mouse over "Building Approvals" in the main menu. The following are links to permit information in that section:
General Info
Building Permits
Fire Sprinklers Permits
Plumbing & Gas Permits
Demolition or Moving a Building /Permit to Move a House
Sign Permits
Other Building Permits
- Provisional Occupancy Permit
- Occupancy Permit for Temporary Buildings
- Occupant Load
Email or call 604-276-4118 for more information.
Tree Removal
The City's Tree Protection Bylaw generally prohibits the cutting or removal of any tree larger than 8 inches (20 cm) in diameter at breast height (dbh) without a permit. For more information, see Tree Removal.
Soil Deposit and Removal
Richmond City Council enacted Soil Deposit and Removal Bylaw No. 10200 (the "Soil Bylaw") to regulate the deposition of soil and other material and removal of soil for all Lands (ALR and non-ALR) within the City.
The City maintains oversight for vetting and approving soil and/or other material deposit and removal applications, issuing permits and regulating unauthorized soil and other material deposition and removal through progressive enforcement measures when Lands in the City are found to be in non-compliance with the Soil Bylaw.
For more information on the soil deposit and removal application process, please refer to Soil Management in the City of Richmond or contact Community Bylaws at 604-276-4345.
Street Use for Special Purposes
- Building Moves
- Construction Zone Permit - Temporary Occupancy of City Street
- Painting House Address Numbers on Street Allowance
- Public Event ** see below
- Vehicle Oversize/Overweight
- Permit to Place Newspaper and Advertising Vending Boxes
- Licence to Encroach on Vehicle or Pedestrian Rights-of-Way
Contact: 604-276-4210
** To use other City-owned facilities for Public Events or to obtain the necessary permits and licences, see Events Applications and Approvals System, and/or any of the following: Field Bookings, Rental Facilities and Birthday Parties.
Public Event Permits and Licences
To help streamline the permits and licences approvals process for a public event, the City has developed an online Event Applications and Approvals System with the steps to obtain what is necessary for an event with all the related information.
Parking and Towing
- Towing Permits
- Pay Parking Permits
- Parking Permits for People with Disabilities
Contact: Richmond Centre For Disability
#100 - 5671 No. 3 Richmond, BC V6X 2C7
Phone: 604-232-2404
Fireworks & Burning
The Fire-Rescue Department issues the following permits:
- Low / High Hazard Fireworks - Public Display (Qualified Fire Works Supervisor)
- Outdoor Burning - Agricultural Only (October 1-April 30)
Call 604-278-5131 for more information about Fireworks Permits.
Business Licences
- Business Licences
Note: Road Side Stands and Amusement Centres are regulated differently, but require the same Business Licence Application form.
Electrical Permits
- The BC Safety Authority is the electrical permitting authority for Richmond. Those doing regulated electrical work in permanent buildings are required to obtain a permit before beginning work. Electrical Permits, depending on the scope of work, may be required for temporary structures or buildings including those associated with special events such as filming. For more information on performing electrical work, getting your permit and working with contractors, visit Safety Authority.
Donation Bin Permits
The Donation Bin Regulation Bylaw No. 9502 regulates the placement and use of donation bins on City land.
Donation Bin Permit Application Form
Not a City Service
The licences listed below are not administered by the City, but instead are handled by other agencies. Due to the frequency of request, referral information is below.
Child Care Licences
Richmond Health Department inspects and licenced child care facilities. The Health Department falls under the Provincial Government. See Community Care Facilities for more information.
Contact: Richmond Health Department, 604-233-3147
Hunting and Fishing Licences
The Provincial Government regulates hunting and fishing licences through the Fish & Wildlife Branch.
Liquor Licences
The Provincial Government regulates liquor licences through the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch.
Driver's Licence
Driver Licensing is a Provincial Government responsibility that has been contracted to ICBC the crown corporation responsible for driver insurance. For details, visit the ICBC Driver Licensing web page.
Contact: ICBC Driver Testing and Vehicle Information, 604-661-2255
Marriage Licences
The registering of births, deaths and marriages, and the issuing of licences and certificates is a Provincial Government responsibility. See the Ministry of Health Services, British Columbia Vital Statistics Agency website at