Youth Activities

Youth can play low-cost drop-in sports and join in many youth-oriented activities offered at Richmond community centres. Connect with friends each week to play basketball or volleyball or being part of Friday Night Hangouts September through June. Select a community centre below for more information.

Cambie Community Centre 12800 Cambie Road

Program / Activity Details
Youth Facility Pass 1 (13-18 years)

This Pass must be renewed annually and includes access to:

  • Friday Night Hangout - Drop-In (6:00-9:00pm)
  • Open Gym - Drop-In (Mon-Fri: 3:00-4:30pm)
  • Friday Night Basketball - Drop-In (6:00-8:30pm)
  • Friday Night Volleyball - Drop-In (6:00-8:30pm)
  • Youth Only Games Room Hours (Mon-Fri lunch hour; Mon/Thu/Fri 3:00-4:30pm)
Youth Facility Pass 2 (13-18 years)


This Pass must be renewed annual and includes access to:

Friday Night Hangout - Drop-In (13-18 years)
Free with Youth Facility Pass 1; $3.50 without Pass

Fri: 6:00-9:00pm

Friday Night Open Gym - Drop-In (13-18 years)
Free with Youth Facility Pass 1; $3.50 without Pass

Fri: 6:00-8:30pm
Fri: 6:00-8:30pm

Friday Night Shift Basketball- Drop-In (16-30 years)
$3.50/Drop-In (16-18 years); $6.25/Drop-In (19-30 years)
Fri: 9:00-11:30pm
Friday Night Shift Volleyball - Drop-In (16-30 years)
$3.50/Drop-In (16-18 years); $6.25/Drop-In (19-30 years)
Fri: 9:00-11:30pm
PAINT - Drop-in (13-18 years)


This is a safe space for LGBTQ2S+ youth and allies! This program is intended for those wanting to connect with peers, engage in a variety of activities, while in an accepting inclusive space.
Wed: 3:30 – 5:30

 Leadership Opportuities Cambie offers a number of leadership opportunities for youth including Cambie's Youth Council, "Youth Taking Charge" on Tuesday 3:30-4:45pm. To register, please sign-up on Please visit ICanHelp for other volunteer opportunities!

Social media


Youth Development Coordinator

Em Lee

City Centre Community Centre 5900 Minoru Boulevard

Program / Activity Details

Youth Facility Pass 1 (13-18 years)

This Pass must be renewed annually and includes access to:

  • Tuesday Youth Hangout - Drop-In (3:30-5:15pm)
  • Wednesday Youth Hangout - Drop-In (3:30-6:30pm)
  • Thursday Youth Hangout - Drop-In (3:30-6:30pm)
  • Saturday Youth Hangout – Drop-In (2:30-6:30pm)

Youth Facility Pass 2 (13-18 years)

This Pass must be renewed annually and includes access to:

AllWays - Drop-In

This is a safe space for LGBTQIA+ youth to AllWays be themselves! Activities include games, crafts and discussions around identity, acceptance and inclusion. Come meet awesome youth staff, volunteers and peers!
Wed: 4:00-6:00pm

Youth Hangouts - Drop-In

Come hang out with us in City Centre's Social Room! Whether you want to play air hockey, pool, and board games, or you need to study and finish homework, there's something for everyone! Silent study spaces and power outlets available.
Thu: 4:30-6:30pm
Sat: 2:00-4:00pm
Sun: 2:00-4:00pm

Youth Fitness Centre Access - Drop-In

Come to the fitness centre during the scheduled youth times and get active!
Fri: 4:00-5:30pm
Sun: 10:00-11:30am

Looking for more gym times? Use the fitness centre any time with a Total Fitness Pass or a 10 Visit Pass!

Youth Leadership Teams

Six different youth teams meet weekly at City Centre Community Centre to plan and create community service projects and initiatives. Volunteers on the leadership teams have the chance to learn and develop leadership, teamwork and project planning skills while also getting to know other youth in the community. Recruitment begins in September of each year. Applicants will be contacted for an interview after signing up for the opportunity on iCanHelp.


Take your leadership to the next level and develop your vision for the future with Beta-U, where volunteers turn business ideas into real-life ventures!
Thu: 6:00-7:00pm


Looking to make a difference in the community? In C-Change, like-minded volunteers come together to promote mental health and social justice.
Thu: 6:00-7:00pm


Share your talents with this arts, culture and music team that welcomes volunteers to bring their creative ideas to life.
Thu: 4:00-5:00pm


Drive change and address gender equity issues through this committee that focuses on empowering those who self-identify as women and their allies.
Thu: 7:15-8:15pm

We're Here!

Promote equity, diversity and inclusion through We’re Here! Their events aim to foster a safe and welcoming community for Richmond youth.
Thu: 4:00-5:00pm

Intergen (16-24 years)

Youth and older adults make up 36 per cent of Canada's total population. How can we build a healthy community with positive intergenerational relationships? Join Intergen to plan, coordinate and lead initiatives to make Richmond an inclusive, age-friendly and healthy place to live.
Thu: 5:00-6:00pm

Social media


Youth Development Coordinator

Kasie Kwok

Hamilton Community Centre 5140 Smith Drive

Program / Activity Details

Youth Facility Pass 2 (13-18 years)

This Pass must be renewed annually and includes access to:

Social media


Program Coordinator

Sarah Kennedy

Sea Island Community Centre 7140 Miller Road

Program / Activity Details

Recreation Leader

Matthew Adams

South Arm Community Centre 8880 Williams Road

Program / Activity Details

Youth Facility Pass 1 (13-18 years)

This Pass must be renewed annually and includes access to:

  • Games Room - Drop-In plus equipment rentals during operating hours
  • Open Gym - Drop-In plus equipment rentals during Open Gym times
  • Friday Night Hangout - Drop-In

Youth Facility Pass 2 (13-18 years)

This Pass must be renewed annual and includes access to:

Youth Open Gym - Drop-In
Free with Youth Facility Pass 1

General Open Gym
Mon/Fri: 3:00-4:00pm

Volleyball Only Open Gym
Fri: 6:00-9:30pm

Basketball Only Open Gym
Fri: 8:00-11:30pm

Friday Night Hangout - Drop-In (13-18 years)
Free with Youth Facility Pass 1

Fri: 5:30-11:30pm

Glitter - Drop-In (13-18 years)

Mon: 3:30-5:30pm
This is a safe space for LGBTQ2S+ youth and allies to hangout, meet others and engage in fun activities! Activities include games, crafts and discussions around gender, identity and acceptance.

Games Room - Drop-In

Access during all opening hours

Leadership Opportunities

South Arm offers a number of leadership opportunities for youth including a Youth Council and other volunteer based options. Email for more information.

Social media


Youth Development Coordinator

Payton McNeill

Steveston Community Centre 4111 Moncton Street

Program / Activity Details

Youth Facility Pass 1 (13-18 years)

This Pass must be renewed annually and includes access to:

  • Games Room - Drop-In
  • Open Gym - Drop-In
  • Access to Youth Leadership Council
  • Friday Night Hangout - Drop-In

Youth Facility Pass 2 (13-18 years)

This Pass must be renewed annually and includes access to:

  • Youth Facility Pass 1 programs
  • Games Room - Plus equipment rentals during operating hours
  • Sport Specific Drop-In - Plus equipment rentals during Open Gym/ Sports times

Open Gym - Drop-In (13-18 years)
Free with Youth Facility Pass 1

Tue: 3:30-5:00pm
Fri: 8:15-11:15pm

Friday Night Youth Hangout - Drop-In
Youth (Grades 8-12)

Need a safe space to hang out with friends or meet new people? Participate in fun activities in a safe, non-judgmental environment with other youth and Youth staff.

Fri: 6:30-11:00pm

Preteens Hangout - Drop-In (9-12 years)

Hang out with youth staff and other preteens on Friday nights! Participate in fun experiences and play games.

Fri: 3:30-5:30pm 

Youth in the Fitness Centre

Stay active and work out with a wide range of equipment at Steveston Community Centre’s fitness options. Visit the youth section in the Fitness Centres section to get started.

Leadership Opportunities

Steveston offers a number of leadership opportunities for youth including a Youth Council and other volunteer based options. Email for more information.

Social media


Youth Development Coordinator

Pria Sidhu

Thompson Community Centre 5151 Granville Avenue

Program / Activity Details

Youth Facility Pass 1 (13-18 years)

This Pass must be renewed annually and includes access to:

  • Equipment Loans
  • Youth Open Gym - Drop-In
  • Friday Night Hangout - Drop-In

Youth Facility Pass 2 (13-18 years)

This Pass must be renewed annually and includes access to:

Youth Open Gym - Drop-In (13-18 years)
$3.15 without Pass
Youth Open Gym - Drop-In (19-24 years)

Lunchtime Open Gym (13-18 years)
Mon-Wed/Fri: 12:30-2:00pm
Basketball (13-24 years)
Mon: 7:00-9:30pm
Volleyball (13-24 years)
Fri: 6:00-9:30pm

Friday Night Preteens & Youth Hangout - Drop-In
Preteens (Grade 5-7)
Youth (Grade 8-12)

Need a safe space to hang out with friends or meet new people? Participate in fun activities in a safe, non-judgmental environment with other youth and Youth staff.
Fri: 6:00-9:30pm

Leadership Opportunities

Thompson offers a number of leadership opportunities for youth including a Youth Leadership Team, Youth Council, and other volunteer based options. Email for details.

Social media


Youth Development Coordinator

Shellby Sy

Thompson Community Association Phil Brown Scholarship

This scholarship accepts applications each year! The Thompson Community Association (TCA) is a not-for-profit, volunteer-led society working in partnership with the City of Richmond to provide recreational and educational programs, events and services to those who live, work and play in the northwest corner of Richmond. TCA promotes and encourages the involvement of young people in community volunteerism and leadership. This award honours a student graduating from a Richmond high school who has significantly contributed to the Thompson community.


  • Graduating Richmond student
  • Planning on attending post-secondary education in September 2023 or 2024
  • Community involvement, leadership and volunteerism
  • Contribution to Thompson Community Association
  • Completion of an application form

Follow our social media channels to be updated when applications open!

West Richmond Community Centre 9180 No. 1 Road

Program / Activity Details

Youth Facility Pass 1 (13-18 years)

This Pass must be renewed annually and includes access to:

  • Games Room - Drop-In
  • Youth Open Gym - Drop-In
  • Youth Friday Night Hangout - Drop-In

Youth Facility Pass 2 (13-18 years)

This Pass must be renewed annually and includes access to:

Friday Night Sports - Drop-In
Free with Youth Facility Pass 2; $3.15 Drop-In fee without pass; 19-24 years: $5.75 Drop-In Fee

Basketball (13-18 years)
Fri: 8:00-11:30pm

Basketball (16-24 years)
Fri: 5:30-8:30pm

Volleyball - For Girls (13-18 years)
Fri: 6:15-7:15pm

Volleyball (13-18 years)
Fri: 8:15-10:15pm

Friday Night Youth Hangout - Drop-In
Free with Youth Facility Pass 1 and 2

Need a safe space to hang out with friends? Participate in fun activities in a safe, non-judgmental environment with other youth and Youth staff.

Fri: 8:00-11:30pm

Lunch Time Facility Access - Drop-In

Come to the centre and enjoy lunch with peers! Play pool and video games or just relax in the Activity Room during the lunch break.

Mon/Wed/Fri: 12:50-1:35pm
Tue/Thu: 1:05-1:50pm

Youth Afternoon Fitness Centre Access

Drop-in to the fitness centre on weekdays (2:30-4:30pm) and break a sweat! Fitness Orientation and Parental Consent Form required.

Preteen Hangout - Drop-In (10-12 years)

Hang out with youth staff and other preteens on Friday nights! Participate in fun experiences and play games.

Fri: 5:30-7:30pm

Leadership Opportunities

Youth in Action (YIA)
Help plan and run community events and projects while gaining leadership skills in this youth-led group. Email or call 604-238-8416 for details.

Mon: 4:30-5:30pm

Social media


Youth Development Coordinator

Leonid Oldfield

Skateboard Park River Road, West of No. 2 Road

Type: Free, outdoor, unsupervised with multiple features for all skill levels.
Surface: Asphalt ground with concrete obstacles

Terrain - Transition Options

  • 1 large 6' bowled corner
  • 1 6' high, 20' wide half pipe with a spine
  • 3 1/4 pipes
  • 2 small 3' high half bowls, side by side
  • Stainless steel coping used on all transition obstacles


  • Main starting pad has 3 rails
  • One regular 5 stair rail (round)
  • Low and long square rail
  • 5 stair rail with a kink at the bottom (square)
  • Fun box features a narrow square rail that continues from a flat rail to a down rail
  • A long and low round flat bar in the ground
  • An angled square rail that starts in the ground and escalates gradually to 3' off of the ground


There is one box ledge on the ground and a continuous ledge on the fun box. The start pad also features two ledges that go straight off the stairs.


There are over 10 to choose from including mellow/steep/flat and tranny.


The park is one-sided with regards to getting speed without pushing. However, it is nicely laid out for putting together lines and it has great visibility. It can handle large numbers of users without becoming too crowded and unsafe.

User Times

The park definitely has its peak times with mid-day to late afternoon usually the busiest times. Beginners are recommended to use the park earlier in the day up until noon to avoid crowds.

What about bikes?

The park is designed for skateboarders. Chromoly pegs are harder than the steel coping and cause damage.


The park features some nice, big overhead lights, which are on until dusk. Great for skaters of all ages who enjoy skating at night when the park is cooler and less crowded.

Park User Etiquette

The park is for all ages to enjoy. Use of alcohol, drugs and foul language is not welcome in the park.


Use of protective gear for ALL users is strongly recommended.

Garden City Bike Park Corner of Granville Avenue & Garden City Road

Type: Free, outdoor, unsupervised with multiple features for youth of all skill levels
Surface: Dirt
Washroom facilities: Available nearby


The park features avariety of options such as jumps and obstacle sections along with numerous jumps located within the park, including:
  • Connected table tops
  • Flag Jump
  • Double Jump
In the Obstacle section, there is a teeter-totter and skinnies (1-2't. curbs).

Park User Etiquette

The park is free for all ages to enjoy. Use of alcohol, drugs and foul language is not welcome in the park.


Use of helmet and protective gear for all users is strongly recommended. Use the park at your own risk.

Visit Bike Terrain Park for more information.

Railway Bike Park Corner of Granville Avenue & Railway Avenue

Type: Free, outdoor, unsupervised with multiple features for children and youth of all beginner to intermediate skill level
Surface: Asphalt
Washroom facilities: Available nearby at Thompson Community Centre


  • Pump track
  • Rolling hills and low jumps
  • Geared toward helping young or novice riders develop skills

Park User Etiquette

  • Use the site responsibly and ride within limits
  • Ensure a ride-line on the pump track or obstacle is clear before proceeding
  • Be courteous and encourage fellow riders to be the best they can be
  • Be courteous entering and exiting the site, aware that there are other Greenway users in the area

The park is free for all ages to enjoy. Use of alcohol, drugs and foul language is not welcome in the park.


Use of helmet and protective gear for all users is strongly recommended. Use the park at your own risk.

Visit Railway Greenway and Linear Park for more information.