City Bicycle Planning

OCP Current and Target Travel Mode ShareEncouraging cycling as a healthy and convenient transportation choice is an integral part of the City's community and transportation planning. The City's goal is to grow cycling as a travel choice for 10 per cent of all trips in Richmond by 2041. Bicycle planning and design is guided by a number of documents and plans in consultation with the City's active transportation advisory committee.

Bicycle Plans & Guidelines

Official Community Plan: Chapter 8, Mobility & Access, includes four specific objectives to improve cycling in Richmond and identifies the policies to help achieve these goals. This section identifies the planned cycling network on major streets while Chapter 3, Connected Neighbourhoods with Special Places, has maps for each neighbourhood that identify the planned neighbourhood cycling and walking links on local roads.

Zoning Bylaw: Section 7.14 specifies the minimum standards for long-term and short-term bicycle parking facilities for new developments as well as additions to existing buildings or structures.

City Centre Area Plan: Section 2.3, Mobility and Access, reinforces the provision of on-street and end-of-trip bike facilities in the City Centre area including shared cycling/pedestrian paths to link on-street bike routes.

As of July 2022, the Updated Cycling Network Plan will help the City respond to its policy objectives by identifying what the future cycling network will look like in 15 years and a phased implementation strategy to achieve it.

Richmond Active Transportation Committee

Photo of RATCThe Richmond Community Cycling Committee was formed in 1993 to allow City staff to work in partnership with the community to promote commuter and recreational cycling in Richmond. In 2013, the Committee evolved into the Richmond Active Transportation Committee to reflect a broader mandate that includes skateboarding, in-line skating and low-speed scooters. The Committee provides input and feedback to the City on infrastructure projects designed for these modes and undertakes various activities in co-operation with the City that encourage, educate and raise awareness of active transportation.

Membership is voluntary and new members are always welcome. The Committee typically meets virtually the second Wednesday of each month (except July and August) at 6:00pm.

For more information about the Committee or to obtain past meeting minutes, contact:

Nathan Andrews

Transportation Planner, Transportation Department