Guidelines for Filming

The City of Richmond welcomes the filming industry into our community.

It is the expressed wish of the City to facilitate the industry in its endeavours while working to protect the safety of our citizens, and to ensure that work is performed with a minimal disruption to our residents and businesses.

Guidelines for Filming in Richmond

  • In order to obtain approval for filming on locations which involve City properties, including parks, City facilities, buildings, equipment and streets, an application must be made to the Richmond Film Office. The application must be submitted as far in advance as possible prior to the commencement of filming.
  • Any filming involving extraordinary requirements (e.g. stunts, special effects) should be submitted for approval at least two (2) weeks in advance. The application will be circulated to appropriate City departments, which will provide input and assistance to ensure that the needs of both the production company and the City are satisfied.
  • The production company must complete a Commercial Filming Application form. The form must include sufficient detail to identify the requirements of the production company and must include dates and names of individuals responsible for the filming.

Liability Insurance
  • It will be the responsibility of the production company to submit all required insurance documents with the Commercial Filming Application prior to the commencement of filming activities.
  • The liability insurance must name the City of Richmond as "Additional Insured" in the production company's insurance policy. This policy, which is required to include commercial general liability, must also include a limit of at least $5 million (in Canadian funds) and under situations of potential extreme exposure to the City, the liability insurance may need to be increased accordingly.
  • A damage deposit will be established by the City. The amount will depend upon the specific nature of the film project, location, etc.
  • Deposits are required to cover any potential damage to City facilities, equipment, etc.
  • Deposits must be made by cheque payable to the City of Richmond.
  • Deposits will be submitted to the Richmond Film Office, or designate.
  • The City does not draw down from deposits. Deposits will be refunded upon completion of filming activities, an inspection by City staff and final approval of the Richmond Film Office.
  • Any required repairs, clean up, restoration, etc. will be undertaken by the production company. Any repairs, restoration, etc. not undertaken by the production company will be provided by the City, the cost of which will be drawn from the damage deposit along with overhead and administration fees.
Fees and Charges
  • All fees associated with filming are based on fees listed in the Consolidated Fee Bylaw or cost recovery (plus applicable taxes and administrative charges) for the services provided by the City.
  • The total fees will be invoiced by the Richmond Film Office after the completion of filming activity. 
  • Use of facilities administered by a Community Association/Society which is not part of City operated property will require that payment be made directly to the appropriate Community Association/Society by certified cheque.
  • Use of any City building or facility will require the production company to enter into a legal agreement with the City and a fee for use of that facility will be established by the City.
  • See Location Filming Fees for information on applicable fees.
Traffic Management
  • Parking of film production vehicles on City streets is subject to prior approval of the Transportation Section of the Planning and Development Division. Requests must be made to the Richmond Film Office at least two weeks in advance prior to the start of filming.
  • Complete closure of streets for filming on location is subject to the prior approval of the Transportation Section of the Planning and Development Division and the Engineering and Public Works Department. In some cases, the production company will be required to poll the surrounding neighbourhood. Requests must be made to the Richmond Film Office as far in advance as possible prior to commencement of filming.
  • No streets will be closed during peak traffic time.
  • The production company will comply with any direction or conditions by the City for temporary no parking signs, barricades, etc as required to ensure the effects of the street closure are minimized. The costs associated with any City services will be charged to the production company.
  • The production company will be responsible for all public relations with private citizens, businesses, residents, etc. who may be affected by filming activities, parking of vehicles and street closures. Such public relations will be carried out in writing and the letter to affected individuals will provide the name and phone number of the production company and location manager, as well as the Richmond Film Office. A copy of this letter will be provided to the Richmond Film Office.
  • The production company will ensure that all vehicles and trailers associated with filming activities are appropriately identified and will be parked in the designated areas agreed to by the Richmond Film Office.
Use of City Services and Vehicles, Including RCMP
  • Only reserve or unscheduled vehicles and equipment can be used in film shoots.
  • Any and all equipment and vehicles can be recalled without notice in the case of emergency and the City will not incur any liability in such cases.
  • Only on-duty City personnel can be utilized.
  • RCMP personnel assigned to traffic control at filming activities will be from off-duty. They are paid at a double time rate with minimum four (4) hour call-out.
  • All fees covering costs for rental of equipment and vehicles and for personnel will be paid by cheque directly to the Richmond Film Office. The cheque will be made payable to the City of Richmond.
Procedures for Making an Application to Film in Richmond
  • The production company submits the completed Commercial Filming Application form, Hold Harmless Agreement and proof of liability insurance to the Richmond Film Office at the City of Richmond.
  • The Richmond Film Office contacts the production company contact person and obtains any necessary additional information.
  • If the application is approved by the City, the production company is notified and is asked to come in with a cheque to cover damage deposit.
  • Follow-up documentation, including an executed Film Agreement and Location Schedule will be sent to the production company to confirm approval.
  • The production company proceeds with their shoot.
  • The production company cleans up the location and arranges for repair of any damage resulting from its activities.
  • The production company representative and the Richmond Film Office or designate as required review and inspect the site to ensure that there is no remaining damage.
  • In the case where damage to the site is evident or the site has not been cleaned up, the Richmond Film Office informs the production company representative to rectify the damage and/or clean up the site. If this has not been rectified within a reasonable period of time, the City rectifies the damage and/or cleans up and invoices the production company for all costs plus overhead.
  • In the case where there is no damage and the site has been satisfactory cleaned up, the Richmond Film Office will provide the production company with an invoice encompassing any rental/service fees and charges (if applicable). Once all invoices have been paid, the Film Office will return the damage deposit.