Social Planning

Through the Planning & Development Division, the City provides policy directions that guide growth and change in Richmond. Social planning and research are key components in the overall planning process.

Social planning, which is planning for the social well-being of the community, is undertaken by community groups, committees, service agencies and all levels of government. City Social Planning and Research staff work with community members, advisory committees, stakeholder organizations, and government partners, based on their respective mandates, to further the social well-being of Richmond residents.

In carrying out this function, staff:

  • provide support, advice and information to a wide range of City departments and community organizations.
  • contribute leadership and facilitation in bringing together key people around a specific problem or issue.
  • analyse data from the Canadian Census, community needs assessments, and studies undertaken by social service organizations to better understand community needs.
  • make recommendations to Council regarding civic policy as it relates to a range of social issues and areas of concern, including seniors, child care, multicultural relations, gambling and similar topics, including advocacy to senior governments.


Dorothy Jo

Program Manager, Social Planning
Community Social Development 604-276-4391