Numerical List
Bylaws are accessible through three lists:
Amendments to the bylaws will be updated as soon as possible following a Council Meeting. The online bylaws are a "work in progress" and more bylaws will be added as they are updated and become available.
To obtain a hard-copy of a bylaw, please see the information below on how to Obtain Copies
Disclaimer: The online versions of City of Richmond bylaws are provided for information or research purposes only. Although every effort is made to assure the accuracy and completeness of online bylaw documents, you should confirm all information before making any decisions based on them. The City of Richmond will, in no event, be liable or responsible for damages of any kind arising out of the use of online bylaws.
These are NOT official versions of City of Richmond bylaws, nor are these documents admissible in a court of law. For such purposes, official certified copies can be obtained from the City Clerk.
Browse bylaws by:
Alphabetical List || Chapter List || Numerical List
The following Bylaw Consolidations are current as of
January 1, 2023
Bylaw 2564 - (1970) Trailer Regulation
Bylaw 3181 - (1976) Library Board Establishment
Bylaw 4183 - (1983) Firearm Discharge Regulation
Bylaw 4716 - (1987) Commercial Vehicle Licencing
Bylaw 4896 - (1987) Officers and Employees Indemnification
Bylaw 5637 - (1991) Waterworks and Water Rates
Bylaw 5870 - (1992) Traffic Control and Regulation
Bylaw 6366 - (1994) Boulevard & Roadway Protection and Regulation
Bylaw 6803 - (1999) Solid Waste and Recycling Regulation
Bylaw 6817 - (1997) Hotel Room Tax (Additional 2%)
Bylaw 6900 - (1998) Business Regulation - Vehicle for Hire
Bylaw 6936 - (1998) Excess or Extended Services and Latecomer Payment Interest Rate Establishment
Bylaw 6983 - (1999) Nuisance Prohibition
Bylaw 6989 - (2000) Public Health Protection
Bylaw 7100 - (1999) Official Community Plan - Schedule 2
The contents of this bylaw are available on this website in modified form for web viewing in see Official Community Plan
Bylaw 7138 - (2000) Dog Licencing
Bylaw 7162 - (2001) Unsightly Premises Regulation
Bylaw 7174 - (2001) Boulevard Maintenance
Bylaw 7202 - (2001) Late Night Event (Rave) Prohibition
Bylaw 7222 - (2001) Residential Lot (Vehicular) Access Regulation
Bylaw 7230 - (2002) Building Regulation
Bylaw 7244 - (2001) Civic Election Administration & Procedure
Bylaw 7273 - (2002) Development Permit, Development Variance Permit and Temporary Commercial and Industrial Use Permit Procedure
Bylaw 7321 - (2002) Municipal Ticket Information Authorization
Bylaw 7360 - (2002) Business Licence
Bylaw 7400 - (2002) Corporate Records Management Program
Bylaw 7403 - (2002) Parking (Off-street) Regulation
Bylaw 7538 - (2003) Business Regulation
Bylaw 7551 - (2003) Drainage, Dyke and Sanitary Sewer System - Repealed by Bylaw 10426 - (2022) Flood Protection Bylaw
Bylaw 7560 - (2003) Council Procedure
Bylaw 7784 - (2004) Water Use Restriction
Bylaw 7812 - (2004) Reserve Fund Establishment
Bylaw 7869 - (2005) Roadway Restoration Regulation
Bylaw 7897 - (2005) Property Maintenance & Repair
Bylaw 7906 - (2005) Richmond Heritage Commission
Bylaw 7932 - (2005) Animal Control Regulation
Bylaw 7954 - (2010) Newspaper Distribution Regulation
Bylaw 8057 - (2006) Tree Protection
Bylaw 8122 - (2007) Notice of Bylaw Violation Dispute Adjudication
Bylaw 8159 - (2006) Rental Premises Standards of Maintenance
Bylaw 8206 - (2007) Affordable Housing Operating Reserve Fund Establishment
Bylaw 8204 - (2008) Flood Plain Designation and Protection
Bylaw 8215 - (2007) Officer and General Manager
Bylaw 8282 - (2007) Community Legacy & Land Replacement Reserve Fund Establishment
Bylaw 8306 - (2008) Fire Protection and Life Safety
Bylaw 8385 - (2008) Green Roofs & Other Options Involving Industrial & Office Buildings Outside the City Centre
Bylaw 8400 - (2009) Heritage Procedures
Bylaw 8441 - (2011) Watercourse Protection and Crossing
Bylaw 8475 - (2009) Pollution Prevention and Clean-Up
Bylaw 8500 - (2009) Richmond Zoning
Bylaw 8514 - (2009) Pesticide Use Control
Bylaw 8636 - (2011) Consolidated Fees
Bylaw 8641 - (2010) Alexandra District Energy Utility
Bylaw 8708 - (2018) Filming Regulation
Bylaw 8713 - (2011) Election and Political Signs
Bylaw 8751 - (2011) Subdivision and Development
Bylaw 8752 - (2011) Works and Services Cost Recovery
Bylaw 8771 - (2015) Public Parks and School Grounds Regulation
Bylaw 8776 - (2011) City Centre Area Transitional Tax Exemption
Bylaw 8779 - (2011) Oath of Office
Bylaw 8854 - (2012) Capstan Station Capital Reserve Fund Establishment
Bylaw 8856 - (2012) Noise Regulation
Bylaw 8877 - (2012) Child Care Operating Reserve Fund Establishment
Bylaw 8951 - (2013) Development Application Fees
Bylaw 9000 - (2012) Official Community Plan - Schedule 1
See Official Community Plan for other Schedules and Maps.
Bylaw 9032 - (2013) Arts, Culture and Heritage Capital Reserve Fund Establishment
Bylaw 9040 - (2013) Inter-municipal Business Licence
Bylaw 9068 - (2014) Visiting Delegation, Study Tour and City Hall Tour
Bylaw 9134 - (2014) Oval Village District Energy Utility
Bylaw 9232 - (2017) Emergency Management Organization Establishment
Bylaw 9259 - (2015) Board of Variance
Bylaw 9276 - (2015) Hamilton Area Plan Community Amenity Capital Reserve Fund Establishment
Bylaw 9493 - (2015) Inter-municipal Business Licence Agreement
Bylaw 9499 - (2017) Development Cost Charges Imposition
Bylaw 9502 - (2016) Donation Bin Regulation
Bylaw 9516 - (2016) Demolition Waste and Recyclable Materials
Bylaw 9536 - (2016) Credit Card Payment Service Fee
Bylaw 9631 - (2016) Municipal and Regional District Tax Imposition
Bylaw 9700 - (2017) Sign Regulation
Bylaw 9742 - (2017) Bylaw Enforcement Officer
Bylaw 9779 - Development Cost Charges Reserve Fund Establishment
Bylaw 9833 - (2018) Construction Encroachment
Bylaw 9895 - (2019) City Centre District Energy Utility
Bylaw 9900 - (2018) Garden City Lands Soils Deposit Fees
Bylaw 9911 - (2019) Indemnification
Bylaw 10000 - Single Use Plastic and Other Items
Bylaw 10134 (2020) Inter-municipal Business Licence Agreement
Bylaw 10159 (2020) Inter-municipal Business Licence
Bylaw 10178 (2020) Alternative Municipal Tax Collection Scheme
Bylaw 10182 - (2023) Wharves Regulation
Bylaw 10200 (2021) Soil Deposit and Removal
Bylaw 10226 (2024) Regulation of Material on Highways
Bylaw 10269 - (2021) Municipal and Regional District Tax Imposition
Bylaw 10270 (2021) Revenue Anticipation Borrowing
Bylaw 10350 (2022) Public Space Patio Regulation
Bylaw 10368 (2022) - Revenue Anticipation Borrowing
Bylaw 10384 - (2023) Permissive Exemption
Bylaw 10401 - (2022) Sanitary Sewer Reserve Fund Establishment
Bylaw 10402 - (2022) Water Supply Reserve Fund Establishment
Bylaw 10403 - (2022) Flood Protection Reserve Fund Establishment
Bylaw 10417 - (2022) Solid Waste and Recycling Reserve Fund Establishment
Bylaw 10426 - (2022) Flood Protection
Bylaw 10427 - (2022) Sanitary Sewer
Bylaw 10466 - (2023) Growing Communities Reserve Fund Establishment
Bylaw 10476 - (2024) Permissive Property Tax Exemption
Bylaw 10483 - (2023) Liquor Consumption in Parks Pilot Program
Bylaw 10520 - (2023) Public Notice
Bylaw 10547 (2024) - Annual Property Tax Rates (2024)
Bylaw 10560 (2024) - Transit-Oriented Areas (TOA) Designation (2024)
Bylaw 10566 (2025) - Permissive Property Tax Exemption
Bylaw 10583 (2024) - Inter-municipal Business Licence
Bylaw 10584 (2024) - Inter-municipal Business Licence Agreement
Bylaw 10622 - (2025) Consolidated Five Year Financial Plan (2025-2029)
Bylaw 10632 - (2025) Revenue Anticipation Borrowing
Obtaining Copies of Bylaws
The most frequently requested bylaws are available on the City's website and can be printed by the public. Copies of most City bylaws can also be obtained from Customer Service. All other bylaws can be obtained from the City Clerk's Office. Fees range from $1.00 and are calculated based on 35 cents per page.
- Come in person to City Hall to make your purchase by cash, Interac or cheque;
- Send a courier with the applicable funds to purchase the bylaw(s) on your behalf; or
- Send your request by mail, accompanied by the appropriate funds, to the attention of Customer Service, City of Richmond, 6911 No. 3 Road, Richmond, BC, V6Y 2C1.