Bylaw Tickets
Payment Options
When you receive a City of Richmond Bylaw Violation Notice or Municipal Ticket you have two options:
- Paying the ticket, or
- Disputing the Ticket through Adjudication
Failure to pay or submit Request for Adjudication within 28 days of the date of issue will result in increased penalties.
Overdue penalties and fees may be referred to our Collection Agent.
Two Ways to Pay a Bylaw Ticket or Other Fines
- Through the website, click on the link below and follow the prompts.
Pay Ticket Online - By mail to:
Richmond City Hall
6911 No. 3 Road
Richmond, BC V6Y 2C1.
Cheques are payable to the City of Richmond.
Please enclose either the actual ticket, or write the ticket number on the cheque before it is mailed.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can a ticket be mailed to me?
Can I discuss the ticket with the City?
What happens if I ignore the ticket?
Do I receive points on my licence for a parking ticket?
Who is responsible for the ticket, especially if I was not driving my vehicle at the time?
What is the difference between "no stopping" and "no parking"?
No stopping means motorists cannot stop in that zone, whether the vehicle is occupied or not. This means the wheels on the vehicle cannot stop while in this zone, unless to move out of the way of an emergency vehicle.
No parking means motorists are only allowed to stop or stand the vehicle in a zone indicated as No Parking for the purpose of and while actively engaged in loading or unloading of property, goods, or the discharging or taking on of passengers for up to 5 minutes.
What happens if I didn't see the sign, or there was no posted sign?
Signs are placed in high-traffic areas or where exceptions to parking regulations apply. The On-Street and Off-Street Parking Bylaws govern where motorists can and cannot stop or park. View the bylaws below or at Richmond City Hall:
Parking (Off-street) Regulation - Bylaw 7403
Traffic Control and Regulation Bylaw 5870
If you have questions regarding why a sign is posted in a particular location, contact the City Transportation Department at 604-204-8707.