Due Dates and Penalties for Property Tax
Due Date:
Property Taxes are due once a year in Richmond on the first business day of July.
- Due date: Wednesday, July 2, 2025
Richmond residents will have until July 2 to pay their property taxes without penalty. The second due date for an outstanding tax balance is September 2, 2025. Any unpaid taxes after this date will receive a second penalty.
If the property tax notice has not been received by mail or email, please request a replacement notice from the Tax Department before the tax due date to avoid penalties.
To avoid late payment penalties, taxes must be received in the Property Tax Department at City Hall on or before Wednesday, July 2, 2025. If you do not pay your property taxes on time in full, you will be charged a penalty of 5% on your outstanding balance. Any remaining outstanding balance after the September 2, 2025 due date will receive an additional 5% penalty.
If you are deferring your taxes, your completed online deferment application or renewal must be received by the Province by Wednesday, July 2, 2025 to avoid a penalty. Detailed information and eligibility requirements for the BC Tax Deferment Program are available on the Provincial website.
If a portion of your taxes is covered by the Home Owner Grant, you will also need to apply for the Home Owner Grant on time in order to avoid penalties.