Accessible Programs

A variety of adapted recreation, sport and social programs are offered throughout the community at City facilities and parks.

Recreation Access Card – City of Richmond

A girl with a disability painting in an art classThe Recreation Access Card entitles residents of Richmond, who live with a permanent disability that seriously impairs their daily living, to a 50 per cent discount to drop-in activities at community centres, aquatic centres and arenas (some restrictions apply). See the application form for more information: Recreation Access Card Application Form

Completed applications and supporting documents can be submitted in 1 of 3 ways:

  • Email:
  • Mail: Recreation Access Card Program, Parks, Recreation and Culture, 6911 No. 3 Rd, Richmond, BC V6Y 2C1
  • In-person: At any City of Richmond recreation facility, City Hall or the Richmond Cultural Centre

Man with sunglasses sitting on a park bench with a guide dog

Adapted Programming

The City of Richmond and Community Associations and Societies offer a variety of programs for persons with disabilities. Specialized opportunities include adapted fitness, adapted weight training, adapted swim and social programs. For more information, visit your local City recreation facility.

Inclusive Parks and Play

There are a number of inclusive play environments in Richmond that contain a range of features from outdoor musical instruments to wheelchair accessible platforms. Visit the Inclusive Play in Richmond page for a list of play spaces in Richmond that offer fun for all ages and abilities.