Damage Deposit for Construction

On October 11, 1994, City Council passed Bylaw No. 6366 "Boulevard and Roadway Protection and Regulation" which requires the applicant(s), for certain permits, to provide a damage deposit.

Note to Applicants:
The security and inspection charge does not apply to any application which covers developments under an agreement with the City which contains provisions for City inspections.

Purpose of Deposits

  • Damage deposits are used for repair of any damage to public property caused by construction activity.
  • Funds on deposit do not earn interest. The inspection fee is non-refundable.
  • To ensure the return of the appropriate deposit, the applicant must make every effort to cause no damage and keep adjacent streets boulevards clear of debris, construction materials, etc.
  • Deposits may be used for repairs or clean-up without prior notice.

Type of Construction

Inspection Fee


Additions & accessory buildings (for single or two family dwellings) over 10 sq. m. in size $500 $207 $707
In-ground swimming pools $500 $207 $707
Demolitions $500 $207 $707
Move-offs; single or two family dwelling construction $1,500 $207 $1,707
Combined demolitions & single or two family dwelling construction $2,000 $207 $2,207
Commercial; industrial; multi-family; institutional or government construction $5,000 $274 $5,274
Combined demolition and commercial; industrial; multi-family; institutional or government construction $5,500 $274 $5,774

Each additional inspection as required: $104.00.
Damage Deposit Security Program Application (EPW-1)

Responsibility for Damages

Existing Damage

The applicant(s) will be held responsible for damages unless properly documented in writing and registered with the City prior to any construction activities.

Applicant(s) Liable for all Damages

The applicant(s) is responsible for the cost of all repairs to City property, whether or not the applicant(s) causes damage directly or is caused by sub-trades, etc.

Fencing City Trees

Before any demolition, move-off, construction or other work commences:

  • All boulevard trees must be fenced and protected according to the diagram.
  • Trees may not be pruned or removed.
  • The Applicant(s) will be held responsible for repair or replacement of any damaged trees regardless of their size.

Boulevard Tree Protection

  • All boulevard trees must be protected regardless of their size.
  • Open-mesh "see-through" fencing must be used to provide for clear visibility of fire hydrants, driveways, crosswalks, etc.
  • Trees may not be pruned to meet these standards.
  • Applicants should take care to avoid underground utilities when staking fences.
  • Except as approved by the Public Works Inspector, barrier fencing must:
    • be as wide as practical in a direction perpendicular to the adjacent roadway.
    • extend to the dripline/branch extremities of the tree canopy in a direction parallel to the adjacent roadway.

Boulevard Landscaping

  • The boulevard is to be landscaped with 150mm of seeded topsoil.
  • If a curb and gutter is not fronting the property, a maximum 1 metre width of compacted gravel shoulder is required.
  • The landscaping must be graded away from the road to the open ditch or drainage chamber.

Moving Heavy Equipment

Applicant(s) must take all necessary precautions to protect City property from equipment damages.

Streets to be Clear of Debris at All Times

Adjacent streets and lanes are to be kept clear of excavation material, building material, debris, etc. Tracked mud on City streets is very dangerous and will be cleared immediately by City crews at the applicants' expense.

No Storage on City Property during Construction

Storage of materials on City property is prohibited. Any stored material may be removed at the owner's expense without prior notice.

What to do Before Requesting a Refund


Ensure that all work on the site is completed (including clean-up of debris and reinstatement of grass landscaping on City Property) before requesting an inspection.

Additional Inspections

If additional inspections are required as a result of the final inspection showing incomplete restoration, a charge of $89 per inspection will apply.

Damage by Others

A prompt request for refund will ensure that you are not held liable for damage incurred by the other contractors, new owners, etc.

Requesting the Refund

Call the Public Works Inspection Office at 604-244-1263.