Partners for Beautification

An Invitation to Participate

Richmond is surrounded by the Fraser River and is world-renowned for it's diversity and livability.

Richmond residents and visitor enjoy a wide variety of open spaces, trails, dykes, community parks, neighbourhood parks and clean streets, which have become one of the city's legacies. Richmond is growing and the demand to keep streets, open spaces and parks clean and beautiful is ongoing. The Partners for Beautification Program is a unique opportunity for Richmond residents of all ages, community groups, service clubs and businesses to get involved with one or more of the adoption programs to help make a difference in the parks, streetscapes and dyke legacy.

The following Partners for Beautification programs are ways to become involved.

Adopt-A-Street Program

This program is an opportunity for community members and groups to volunteer to help keep Richmond streets clean, contributing to the overall livability and beautification of the city.

Possible locations for Adopt-A-Street initiatives include:
  • Roads
  • Right-of-ways
  • Boulevards
  • Streets
  • Storefront sidewalks
  • Cul-de-sacs

Individuals, community groups, business owners, schools, churches, strata councils and anyone who expresses interest in adopting a street in Richmond are encouraged to participate. Due to traffic safety concerns, some street adoptions may be limited.

People or groups adopting a given area for a minimum one year period will be recognized as contributors to the Partners for Beautification Program on signs posted by the City at either end of the adopted area. The signs will remain for the duration of the adoption period.

Other components of the program include:

  • Challenging other groups, schools, businesses and/or neighbours to see who can keep the cleanest street!
  • Provisions of sponsored garbage bags and litter collection equipment for scheduled clean-ups
  • Volunteer training and safety information
  • Traffic safety vests for all volunteers on scheduled clean-ups
  • Certificates of recognition for participants
  • Coordinated garbage collection pick-up provided to all groups on clean-up days
  • Storefront Partners for Beautification stickers that recognize responsible businesses who are committed to keeping their parking lots and store front property clean and appealing for the enjoyment of Richmond residents and visitors.

Applications for the Adopt-A-Street program are reviewed by the City of Richmond Parks staff. Minimum terms for adoption include:

  • 1 km sections of the dyke trails
  • 1 km of city streets
  • Business parking lots and sidewalk areas

Adopt-A-Park, Trail or Dyke Program

This program encourages participants to contribute to the maintenance and care of Richmond's parks, dykes, trails and walkways. A partial list of possible work includes:
  • litter control
  • mowing grass areas
  • watering gardens and trees
  • edging grass and garden areas
  • weed control
  • pruning
  • reporting vandalism and repair needs to the City
  • park patrol
  • illegal dumping removal

There are many ways of supporting this program including graffiti removal and elements of other adoptive programs. City staff can help with the choosing of a park, trail or dyke section and provide garbage bags for each clean up with litter pick up. On-site recognition signs are also part of this program.

Adopt-A-Garden Program

This program is an opportunity for community members and groups to become involved in the maintenance of existing and creation of new garden areas in Richmond's open spaces and community parks. Richmond is known as the "Garden City" and the Adopt-A-Garden Program is one way to enhance and preserve this legacy.

Possible locations for Adopt-A-Garden locations include:
  • Outlying areas
  • Parks
  • Roads and streets
  • Boulevards
  • Vacant City-owned lots and civic properties

The Adopt-A-Garden Program supports schools, strata councils, individuals, businesses and groups who are interested in adopting a garden in the city. A partial list of possible work includes:

  • Maintenance, general clean-up and beautification of existing gardens on public lands
  • Weed control
  • Wildflower planting
  • Annual and perennial planting and donation
  • Species specific planting
  • Enhancement and landscaping of existing garden areas
  • Development of a central community garden
  • Enhancement of bus stop areas
  • Development of culturally significant gardens

Participants are rewarded with signage recognizing the volunteer commitment to maintain and/or create a garden area. All participants receive certificates of recognition from the City of Richmond along with volunteer training and varying levels of direction and assistance from City Parks Department staff. For example, the City would prepare the areas for the participants by rototilling before planting begins.

All participants are encouraged and assisted with the development of a regular maintenance and annual planting plan to ensure the success and appropriateness of the adopted garden area. Litter removal is also a requirement of the Adopt-A-Garden Program.

Adopt-A-Tree Program

This program is an opportunity for adoptive groups to undertake tree-planting activities within clearly defined City guidelines. The City would have close involvement with this program by:
  • identifying locations for tree planting activities
  • developing a species tree planting program including the species and specific areas appropriate for planting
  • providing plant materials and equipment and assisting with the planting to ensure overall success

An adopted tree beautifies public spaces, improves the environment and air quality, and enhances property values. There is also the opportunity to provide a living and long lasting legacy of a family member or friend, for a birthday, graduation, promotion, wedding, anniversary or retirement or even the death of a loved one. An adopted tree can be planted for any significant location. A certificate of recognition is provided for each adopted tree identifying the location, date of planting and tree species.

Adopt-An-Environmentally Sensitive Area

The City of Richmond is surrounded by environmentally sensitive areas. Today's marshes, wetlands, beaches and open spaces need to be preserved for the future. The common environment depends on the sustainability of Richmond's natural areas. By being involved in the preservation and maintenance of these environmentally-sensitive areas, the community can help in the saving of unique, local waterfront and bring positive results to an already fragile ecosystem.

Individuals, groups, schools, environmental groups and private organizations are encouraged to work with the City to adopt an environmentally-sensitive area. Liaising with Federal and Provincial agencies may be required for some projects. A partial list of possible work includes:

  • Litter control
  • Selecting and targeting a specific area for clean up and restoration
  • Educational programming
  • Development of interpretative signage and/or classroom materials
  • Bird box installations

The City offers technical guidance and provides required equipment for this type of adoption. Contact the Parks Program Coordinator at 604-247-4453 for more information.



This program encourages and challenges Richmond residents, businesses, schools, youth groups, seniors groups, sports groups, strata councils, associations and clubs to get involved. By working together and sharing collective resources, a difference can be made in the environment.

Community building and community pride are benefits of participating. By bringing people together, this program can help the City of Richmond achieve its civic vision to be the most appealing, livable and well-managed community in Canada. Everyone can make a contribution to enhancing the beauty of the city.

How to Volunteer

Volunteering to help maintain and beautify Richmond's park or trail systems is easy. In June 1998, the City launched the Partners for Beautification Program and since that time over 20 km of dyke trail have been adopted along with several streets and parks and the development of a community garden. Expand this section to learn more.

You don't need special skills

Your interests and abilities are matched with available projects and areas for adoption. Recognition, support, tools and instructions are provided with the aim to make all volunteer experiences in Richmond's open spaces as fun as possible.

What is involved in "adopting" an area?

Individuals, organizations, families, strata councils, sports teams, service clubs, committees and even a group of friends can become involved in activities including:
  • Litter collection on a street, trail or park
  • Preservation of plant or animal habitat
  • Sponsoring the cost of planting a flower bed or garden
  • Graffiti removal
  • Tree planting
  • Maintaining or creating cul-de-sac gardens

Is there a cost?

There is no cost to adopting an area other than the time commitment. Volunteer efforts can range from a one-time only basis to a weekly or monthly schedule.

Businesses and organizations can make a financial contribution to help preserve and enhance Richmond's open spaces, tidy parking lots and storefronts and challenge staff teams to donate time or services.

Take the business challenge. For applications and more information, contact the Parks Program Coordinator at 604-247-4453.


Contributions and Donations

Participation in the Partners for Beautification Program can happen on many levels. Individuals or groups may wish to "adopt" a specific street, park or area of the dyke, take responsibility for litter control of a specific area or the development of a community garden or sponsorship through donations and fundraising. Groups with an interest in the environment may want to adopt an environmentally-sensitive area and pledge to habitat restoration or interpretative projects. Cultural groups may wish to celebrate diversity of our community through "adoption" and sponsorship projects.

The Partners for Beautification Program is an excellent way for businesses established in Richmond to connect with the community. There are many ways to enhance and preserve Richmond's open spaces and common areas.


Depending on the level of individual or group commitment to any of the "adoption" programs, participants in the Partners for Beautification Program will be recognized through park, dyke, street or trail signage for the duration of their "adoption" period. Significant donations are rewarded with permanent signage recognizing the individuals or sponsor groups for their commitment to enhancing the beauty of the city. Also, every Partner for Beautification participant will be issued a certificate of recognition from the City of Richmond.

Contact the City of Richmond Parks Department at 604-244-1208 or the Parks Programs Coordinator at 604-247-4453 for more information.

Reporting Successes

A new online form is now available to help provide updates on partnership activities. Reported information is automatically sent to the City's Parks Programs Coordinator.

Report Now

A downloadable version of the Activity Tracking Sheet is also available. Responses can be sent to the Parks Programs Coordinator at