Block Watch
Block Watch is a free community-based crime prevention program that focuses on neighbours helping neighbours. Residents form a communication chain, aided by a map of names, telephone numbers, and addresses. They take a proactive approach to crime prevention and safety by committing to watch out for each other's homes, and report suspicious activities to the police and to each other.
Neighbours are often the first ones to notice a suspicious person at your door or window. By working together with neighbours, residents can combat crime in their neighbourhood the most effective way - before it happens.
Why Join?
Neighbourhoods with an active Block Watch show a significant decrease in crime in their area. Other benefits include:
- Increased communication between your neighbours and police
- A sense of community and safety in your neighbourhood
- Education on how to recognize and report suspicious behaviour
- Receive Block Watch street signs and stickers for your doors
- Discount offered on home insurance premium through some carriers
- Crime prevention tips on how to better protect your home
- Access to current crime statistics