Join Block Watch

Get Involved

Contact our office at 604-207-4829 or email with your street address, to see if there is any existing Block Watch group in your area. If there is an active Block Watch group in your area, we will send your request to the Captain, who will contact you to get involved with their group. If not, a volunteer is needed to be the Block Captain. All Captains and Co-Captains must submit a Block Watch application form and undergo a Free Police Information Check.

Contact Us Now!

Download Application form



Block Captains and Co-Captains

  • Pass and maintain a RCMP Police Information Check
  • Upon approval, canvas neighbours to explain the Block Watch program and encourage participation
  • Create and maintain a communication chain - an accurate list and map of all participants in the group and provide an updated copy to the Block Watch office annually
  • Organize annual meeting and/or Block party
  • Set a good example by initiating home security and target hardening measures in own home
  • Distribute Crime Prevention newsletter to all participants in the group
  • Disseminate information from the Block Watch office to all group members
  • Welcome new neighbours, explain and encourage them to join the Block Watch program


  • Watch out for their neighbour’s property as they would their own
  • Report all suspicious or criminal activities to the police
  • Notify Block Captain if they have been a victim of a break and enter or other criminal/suspicious activity
  • Install additional security measures on doors and windows at home
  • Update Block Captain of any information change, i.e. new phone number, email address…etc.
  • Attend annual Block meeting/party


Frequently Asked Questions

How big does my Block Watch group have to be?

Work towards getting commitments to participate from at least 10 households but it really depends on the size of your community. If you cannot meet the 10-household minimum, please contact our office at 604-207-4829 or email

Do I have to be an owner in order to be part of Block Watch?

No, the Block Watch program is not limited to home owners. Owners or tenants from single family homes and multi-family complexes can all be a part of Block Watch.

What do I do with all the information I gathered from the participants?

Keep a copy of the participant lists and provide a copy to the Block Watch Coordinator. The information is used to form a "communication chain" between group members, enabling you to share information about suspicious, criminal and other relevant activity so everyone knows what is going on in the area.

Is the Captain responsible for the safety of the group?

No, it is everyone's responsibility. Block Captain mainly serves as the primary contact person between the Block Watch Office and individual groups, to relay information

How do I become a Block Captain?

Must be genuinely interested in preventing crime in the neighbourhood. Be prepared to listen to and communicate with the participants in the program, and to constructively promote Block Watch. Submit a Block Watch Application form and successfully undergo a Free Police Information Check.

When will Block Watch signs be installed?

Following your first meeting, you will need to complete and submit your first annual participant list to the Block Watch Office. Once the list is submitted, your group will then be provided with a Block Watch street sign and the activation is complete.

If a suspicious or criminal activity happened in our neighbourhood, do we call the Block Captain immediately?

No, call the Richmond RCMP first. After the situation has been dealt with by the police, then notify your Block Captain.

How much time is involved to maintain an active Block Watch group?

With a good communication chain in place, Block Watch takes very little time. It is just sharing and reporting suspicious or criminal activity to the police and each other.

Want to invite us to your event?

Submit your request here.
