Brighouse Neighbourhood School Park

Street Address: 6020 Azure Road
Location: West of Gilbert Road and south of Westminster Hwy, on Azure Road
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Recreation Area: Thompson

Brighouse Neighbourhood School Park is a nearly 13 acres park located in Thompson area of west Richmond. It is a sports and school grounds oriented park with 2 sports field, 3 ball diamonds, 2 full basketball courts and a playground.


Features and Amenities

Ball Diamonds 3 Ball Diamonds Sports Fields 2 Sports Fields

Sport Fields

Sports Field Layout
Brighouse School 1 Not Bookable
Classification: senior Size 1.4549 acres Type: grass / clay

Brighouse School M1 Not Bookable
Classification: junior Size 0.5436 acres Type: grass / clay

Baseball Diamonds

Ball Diamond Layout
Brighouse School S/W Not Bookable

Brighouse School N/W Not Bookable

Brighouse School N/E Not Bookable

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