BC Energy Step Code

BC Energy Step Code

The BC Energy Step Code is a provincial standard enacted in April 2017 that provides an incremental and consistent approach to achieving more energy-efficient buildings that go beyond the requirements of the base BC Building Code. This new standard is a vital measure to enable BC to meet the Provincial goal to construct net-zero energy ready buildings by 2032. It does so by establishing a series of measurable, performance-based energy-efficiency requirements for construction that communities may choose to adopt when ready. The BC Energy Step Code groups these energy-efficiency requirements into a series of “steps.” Visit the Energy Step Code website to learn more.

In June 2018, City Council adopted BC Energy Step Code requirements into the Richmond's Building Regulation Bylaw.

The City has published four Bulletins to help applicants understand the City's BC Energy Step Code requirements:

Learn more about the City’s consultation and related initiatives to improve the energy performance of new buildings on Energy Save Richmond website.