Terra Nova Nature School
2680 River Road
604-238-8437 (direct to Nature School)
Throughout the seasons and no matter the weather, students of Terra Nova Nature School spend a significant amount of time outdoors. Children explore the natural landscape and its inhabitants for a learning experience that will always be dynamic, emergent and innovative!
Terra Nova Nature School programs take place in Terra Nova Rural Park and the Edwardian Cottage. The rural park is 63-acres and provides a stimulating and diverse outdoor experience for children, including historic buildings, a community garden and the award-winning adventure playground.
Thompson Community Association has partnered with the City of Richmond to deliver this non-profit school, the first in the city.
Visit the Terra Nova Nature School website for more information.
Preschool Registration Information
2025-2026 School Year
Registration is ongoing. Visit terranovanatureschool.com for more details and email natureschool@richmond.ca for inquiries. Call 604-238-8437 (Nature School) or 604-238-8422 (Thompson Community Centre) for more information.
Terra Nova Nature School coordinators wrote the following article on mindfulness featured in the 2018 journal for the National Association of Environmental Education, based out of the UK.
Thompson Nature School Article
Beyond 4 Walls
Seasonal programs for children up to 15 years old are offered under the Nature School umbrella to enhance its reach and impact to varying ages and children who may otherwise not have a Nature School experience. Curriculum is developmentally appropriate for each age group and topics such as garden-to-table cooking projects, nature awareness games, outdoor skill development and connecting with nature are explored.
Connecting Canadians with Nature
Connecting Canadians with Nature is an investment in the well-being of our citizens. Review the report below from the Canadian Parks Council.
Connecting Canadians with Nature Report