Dover Neighbourhood Park

Street Address: 5580 Lynas Lane
Location: West of No. 2 Road and north of Westminster Hwy, off Lynas Lane
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Recreation Area: Thompson

Dover Neighbourhood Park is an 8 acres park located in the Thompson area of Richmond adjacent to the No. 2 Road Bridge north of Westminster Hwy. This park is a combination of active and passive recreation areas tucked into a well developed townhouse and condo neighbourhood. The park has a full basketball court, 2 tennis courts, a sports field, a playground and large open lawn for picnics with trails that intersect the park link to the Middle Arm Trail and waterfront.

Features and Amenities

Sports Fields 1 Sports Fields

Sport Fields

Sports Field Layout
Dover M1 Not Bookable
Classification: junior Size 0.5436 acres Type: grass / clay

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