McMath Neighbourhood School Park

Street Address: 4251 Garry Street
Location: South of Steveston Hwy and 1 block east of No. 1 Road on Garry Street
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Recreation Area: Steveston

McMath Neighbourhood Park is a 18.35 acres sports oriented park located in the Steveston area. The park sports facilities include a sports field, 2 ball diamonds, and a trail connection to the Railway Avenue cycling corridor from the east side of the park through a neighbourhood greenway and linear park.


Features and Amenities

Ball Diamonds 2 Ball Diamonds Sports Fields 1 Sports Fields

Additional Park Features

  • Trail connection to Railway Avenue from the east side of the park through a neighbourhood greenway

Sport Fields

Sports Field Layout
McMath 1 Discretion
Classification: senior Size 1.56 acres Type: sandcell

Baseball Diamonds

Ball Diamond Layout
McMath S/W Not Bookable

McMath S/E Not Bookable

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