Transporting (2022)
Dawn Lo
3311 Carscallen Rd
City Centre
This Artwork is no longer on display
Photo by City of Richmond
Vinyl Wrap
Program: Unique Programs
Ownership: Private
Sponsored By: Translink
Description of Work
Transporting is a public art project commissioned by TransLink’s Public Art Program. In response to the development of Capstan Station, Richmond’s new vibrant transportation hub, three Richmond-based artists reflect on the question of “How can a transportation hub foster community?”
Artist Statement
Transporting is a digital mural by artist Dawn Lo which imagines the future Capstan SkyTrain Station and its surrounding area. Once complete, Capstan Station will be an active transportation hub surrounded by extensive public spaces for people to enjoy through play, relaxation, and get-togethers. Illustrated as a series of activities emerging from portals, Lo envisions people jogging, biking, dog walking, dancing, reading, and making art. The vibrant colours and dynamic poses of the mural illustrate the energy and movement of the future site and amplify the bursts of playfulness and creativity of the different activities.