stillness & motion (2013)

Nancy Chew , Jacqueline Metz

6031 River Road

Area: City Centre
Location: Pedestrian Crossing between East and West Promenade

Materials: Glass, digital LED display

Program: Private
Ownership: Private
Sponsored By: ASPAC

Description of Work

The Artwork which has been integrated into the architecture of the bridge required a high degree

of collaboration throughout the design, construction documents, and construction of the building.

“stillness & motion” is comprised of translucent imagery on the glass facades of the pedestrian

bridge and a video image - a graphic and dynamic artwork through which you move: herons at

rest, nesting amidst the trees.

herons at rest (west) - nesting among the trees

On the streetside elevation is a monumental image of herons at rest. As you walk along the bridge

you are walking alongside a life-size heron rookery approx. 10’ x 88’ long. The image was printed

onto the glass panels and the glass was then laminated.

flight (east) - stillness

On the courtyard elevation is a small image; an abstraction of a bird’s wing caught and presented

on an enormous scale. This image is approx. 10’x10’. The image was printed onto the glass panels and the glass was then laminated.

flight - motion

Adjacent to flight - stillness. At night the bridge would have a different life - wings slowly moving,

beating the air, fluttering in a continuous loop. This interior video wall is almost transparent - you

can see through it to the view beyond. The video is approx. 10’ x 10’.

Artist Statement

stillness & motion is a graphic and dynamic artwork through which you

move. Along the length of the bridge you walk beside life-size herons

nesting, as though you are within the tree canopy, an intimate, almost

domestic, view. Opposite is an abstraction of a bird’s wing caught in motion,

delicate and powerful. At night, you see a heron slowly moving, beating

the air, fluttering in a continuous loop - a bright, moving, presence, powerful

yet gentle.

stillness & motion is informed by the local landscape and by mythologies

of landscape. In the end, the work is about landscape and culture, stillness

and motion.