What's Your Minoru Story (2016)
Caroline Dyck
7191 Granville Avenue
City Centre
The artwork is displayed in 40 feet of construction banner around the new Minoru Complex and is visible from the Minoru Track.
This Artwork is no longer on display
Photo by Caroline Elise Dyck
Mesh construction banner
Program: Community
Ownership: Civic
Sponsored By: City of Richmond
Also Known As: Minoru Complex Community Banner: What's Your Minoru Story
Description of Work
Through this project, community members of all ages were invited to share their Minoru expieriences in just six words. Participants added sketches and explanations as another layer to their stories. More than 120 memoirs in five languages were submitted and hundreds more memories were verbally shared at workshops. Each memoir was then digitally reconstructed as a graphic inspired by the author's message. The resulting mosaic is a piece of community history that reflects the unique identities of all its authors and their perceptions of Minoru as a place. It is designed as a visually striking typographical documentary of the community's connection to this place and the new facility to come.
Artist Statement
For more than a century, the area where you are standing has played a significant role in the recreational, social and cultural life of Richmond residents. The development of the Minoru Complex represents the next step in the evolution of the Minoru Precinct.