SCRIPT: Inside Outside (2006)
Todd Davis
Karen Kazmer
Gateway Theatre, 6500 Gilbert Rd.
City Centre
*** This artwork is no longer on display***
This Artwork is no longer on display
Twenty-two LED colour wash units, two outdoor ODEC spotlights, DMX controller.
Program: Community
Ownership: Civic
Sponsored By: City of Richmond
Description of Work
A colour lighting system and digital theatrical graphic spotlights project onto the Gateway Theatre's fly tower. The combination of projected words and images explore the relationship between information and meaning and the multiple systems set within the theatre. The work is located on the south facing wall of the Gateway Theatre's fly tower and can only be viewed at night.
Artist Statement
Our intent is to portray OUTSIDE what takes place INSIDE the Gateway Theatre, while portraying aspects of the theatre in general and making the Gateway Theatre a landmark in its own time.