Cover Stories - Greg Allen (2016)

Greg Allen

7700 Minoru Gate

Area: City Centre
Location: Artist Designed access covers can be found throughout Richmond but are concentrated in the City Centre, Minoru, and Steveston Village.

Materials: Cast iron manhole covers

Program: Civic
Ownership: Civic
Sponsored By: City of Richmond Public Art Program

Description of Work

Cast iron artist designed access covers reflecting Richmond's Cultural Heritage.

Artist Statement

Artists, Greg Allen, Caroline Dyck, Susan Pearson, and Jeff Porter have taken the common, previously unremarkable pieces of civic infrastructure and transformed the manhole covers into pieces of art that that reflect Richmond's Cultural Heritage.

The manhole by artist Greg Allen portrays the Britannia Shipyard, National Historic Site, an important location in Richmond’s history. It illustrates boat building during the height of the region’s salmon fishery industry.