Earth Week (Apr 22–29)

Web hero banner Earth Week

The City of Richmond's 2025 Earth Week celebrations are April 22 to 29 and are a fun and educational way for families to engage in sustainable environmental practices, learn about nature and local ecology, and beautify the community. The weeks’ events feature an invasive plant pull, children’s activities and several community workshops and educational sessions hosted by the City of Richmond and led by various community partners. Check out the following list below of activities and how to register.

3 Ways to Register

  • Select a # link below to be directed to the registration system
  • 604-276-4300, Mon-Fri, 8:30am-5:00pm
  • In-person at any parks, recreation or cultural facility. Note: Debit, cheque and cash are also accepted when registering in person
Tue, April 22

FREE! - Wellness in the Garden Workshop - 55+

Join others to learn about some of the therapeutic benefits of gardening and creating a relationship with plants. Presented by Urban Bounty. Registration required.
Cambie Community Centre 55yrs+
Apr 22 Tue 1:00-2:30pm 00395196

FREE! Community Clean Up - Minoru Park - All Ages

Join this community event of residents and families working together to clean up and beautify park spaces for a cleaner, greener Richmond. Buckets, litter pickers, gloves, refreshments and snacks included.
Minoru Park All ages
Apr 22 Tue 5:30-7:00pm 00408459

FREE! Tree Tour of Paulik Neighbourhood Park - Adults

Join this walk through the park with a focus on tree identification. Discover native and non-native mature trees planted in the 1930s along with the recently planted collection of dwarf conifers. Registration required.
Paulik Neighbourhood Park 19yrs+
Apr 22 Tue 7:00-8:00pm 00392473

Thu, April 24

FREE! Let's Recycle Correctly Workshop - Adults/55+

Become a Gold Star Recycler in Richmond after learning the basics in this interactive session. Led by Environmental Programs - City of Richmond. Registration required.
Cambie Community Centre 18yrs+
Apr 24 Thu 2:00-3:30pm 00394818
Apr 24 Thu 2:00-3:30pm 00395202

FREE! Gardening for Continuous Joy - Adults

Join this discussion with several gardeners describing the gardening changes that made a positive difference. Registration required.
Paulik Neighbourhood Park 19yrs+
Apr 24 Thu 7:00-8:00pm 00392479


Fri, April 25

FREE! Attracting and Supporting Pollinators in the Garden - All Ages

Join an environmental educator to learn about the many benefits of pollinators for local food and ecosystems, and discover easy approaches to attract pollinators to garden spaces. Beneficial insect species are decreasing due to climate change, habitat loss, pollution, pesticides and an increase in invasive species. Activities include a pollinator scavenger hunt to identify native pollinator species. Registration required.
Paulik Neighbourhood Park All ages
Apr 25 Fri 10:00-11:00am 00392488

FREE! I Spy... Something Wild - City Nature Challenge - Adults

Join the City Nature Challenge to explore and document urban wildlife on a smartphone using the iNaturalist app. Spot and record species, connect with nature and contribute to valuable local biodiversity records in Richmond. Registration required.
Richmond Nature Park 18yrs+
Apr 25 Fri 3:30-4:30pm 00404835


Sat, April 26

FREE! - Invasive Plant Removal at Paulik Park - All Ages

Help the environment by identifying and learning the effect invasive plants have on the environment followed by actual removal. Tools and gloves provided during the session. Wear suitable clothing and footwear. Registration required. 
Paulik Neighbourhood Park All ages
Apr 26 Sat 9:30-11:30am 00392495

FREE! - Treasure Hunt at Paulik Park - Children/Adults

Join others on this family-friendly activity exploring the many hidden gems of this special park. Registration required.
Paulik Neighbourhood Park 12yrs+
Apr 26 Sat 10:00-11:00am 00392499

Wacky Science - Children

Explore the explosive and somewhat messy world of potions and science through simple and safe experiments. Take home gift included.
Cambie Community Centre 6-12yrs
Apr 26 Sat 10:00-11:30am $11.70/1 sess 00394585
Apr 26 Sat 12:30-2:00pm $11.70/1 sess 00396932

FREE! - Worm Composting Workshop - Adults

Learn how to use food scraps to create nutrient-rich soil for plants, the environmental benefits of vermicomposting, how to set up a worm compost bin and the simple rules to follow for success.
Richmond Nature Park 18yrs+
Apr 26 Sat 10:00am-12:00pm 00393531

FREE! Walk - Nature Park - Drop-In - All Ages

Join this guided walk through Nature Park enjoying the natural beauty and learning about the local ecosystem. No registration required.
Richmond Nature Park   All ages
Apr 26   Sat 10:00am-12:00pm

FREE! Grow For Pollinators In Our Healing Garden - All Ages

Meet new people and help expand The Sharing Farm's Healing Garden, which includes herbs, native edible and medicinal plants, and flowers for pollinators and bouquets. Registration required.
The Sharing Farm             All ages
Apr 26   Sat          10:00am-1:00pm
Register: Grow For Pollinators In Our Healing Garden

FREE! Naturalist Talk - Drop-In - All Ages

Drop-in to the Nature House to meet a naturalist for some interactive fun! Hosted by the Richmond Nature Park Society. Admission by donation. All ages. No registration required.
Richmond Nature Park   All ages
Apr 26 Sat 11:00am-3:00pm

FREE! Mindful Composting for Living Soils - All Ages

Make composting simple, enjoyable and odourless. Closely observe the life in a compost and learn the basics of how to build living soil. Hosted by Urban Bounty. Registration required.
Paulik Neighbourhood Park All ages
Apr 26 Sat 12:00-1:00pm 00392540

FREE! Community Food Forest Event - All Ages

Join Kwantlen Polytechnic University faculty, staff and students at the newly planted community food forest in Garden City Lands Park with edible native plants. This Earth Day celebration offers participants a chance to get hands dirty while learning the importance of introducing native plants into the ecosystem to benefit the array of animal species, including humans that interact with the site. Activities include working with seeds or plants, exploring the food forest design and learning about different plant species chosen for the community.
Garden City Lands All ages
Apr 26 Sat 12:00-3:00pm 00407605

FREE! Cover Crops for Nutrient-Rich Soils and Weed-Free Gardens - All Ages

Learn about this effortless gardening practice that can help improve and maintain soil health and protect crops from pests and severe weather while reducing the cost of amendments and deter weed establishment year-round. Program leaders demonstrate how to integrate cover crops into day-to-day gardening and cover which varieties to grow and eat, planting dates, management tips and how to turn cover crops into green manure. Registration required.
Paulik Neighbourhood Park All ages
Apr 26 Sat 1:00-2:00pm 00392554


Sun, April 27

FREE! Invasive Plant Removal at King George Park - All Ages

Remove invasive blueberry shrubs with the Lower Mainland Green Team and the City of Richmond. No experience required. Gloves, tools and snacks provided. Registration required. Meet at Kathleen McNeely Elementary parking lot. Registration required.
King George Park All ages
Apr 27 Sun 9:45am-1:00pm
Info and registration: Invasive Plant Removal at King George Park

FREE! Flowerpot Decorating Workshop - Children

Design and decorate a fillable flowerpot and earth-shaped seed ball to then plant, take home and watch it grow. Supplies included. Registration required.
Cambie Community Centre 6-12yrs
Apr 27 Sun 10:00-11:30am 00408448

FREE! - Growing Greens in a Mini Greenhouse - All Ages

Join in this planting of seeds in recycled plastic containers to take advantage of the natural weather conditions in April. No special equipment needed. Seeds and plastic containers provided.
Paulik Neighbourhood Park All ages
Apr 27 Sun 11:00am-12:00pm 00392510

FREE! Naturalist Talk - Drop-In - All Ages

Drop-in to the Nature House to meet a naturalist for some interactive fun! Hosted by the Richmond Nature Park Society. Admission by donation. All ages. No registration required.
Richmond Nature Park   All ages
Apr 27 Sun 11:00am-3:00pm

FREE! - Bio-Diversity Tour of Paulik Park - All Ages

Learn ways a garden can be used to help the environment on this guided walk through this unique park. Registration required.
Paulik Neighbourhood Park All ages
Apr 27 Sun 12:00-1:00pm 00392517

FREE! - Shrub Planting on Railway Corridor - All Ages

Take some meaningful action by joining others to help plant shrubs along this unique part of Richmond while learning the benefits of this practice. Tools, gloves and light refreshments included. Registration required.
Railway Corridor and Colbeck Road All ages
Apr 27 Sun 1:00pm-4:00pm 00408746

Adventure Labs | Terra Nova Park, Richmond Nature House, Garden City Park & Paulik Park

FREE! Adventure Labs | Terra Nova Park, Richmond Nature House, Garden City Park & Paulik Park

Check out the 3 Adventure Labs in Richmond!
This interactive, app-based experience is a virtual scavenger hunt for the whole family! Players download the interactive app onto a smartphone and are guided by GPS to various locations. At each stop, players answer questions and learn facts about wildlife and ecology. Watch a short tutorial to learn how to use the interactive app.
Link to Adventure Lab:
All ages

Play at Terra Nova Park: Richmond GeoTour Terra Nova Adventure Lab
Play in the Richmond Nature House: Richmond GeoTour Nature House Mini Adventure
Play at Garden City Park and Paulik Park: Richmond GeoTour Garden City Park and Paulik Park