Lawn watering regulations take effect May 1

30 April 2021

Metro Vancouver’s annual lawn watering regulations take effect Saturday, May 1 and will continue through to Friday, October 15. The restrictions are in place to conserve our region’s high quality treated drinking water and ensure sufficient water reserves are available through to the rainy fall season.

The watering regulations are part of the Metro Vancouver’s multi-stage Drinking Water Conservation Plan and are supported and enforced by the City of Richmond through Richmond’s Water Use Restriction Bylaw No. 7784.

Stage 1 watering restrictions begin May 1. Stricter stages of water restrictions may be implemented by Metro Vancouver as needed based on water supply within the region.

Stage 1 lawn watering regulations are as follows:

Residential lawn watering allowed:

  • Even-numbered addresses: Wednesday and Saturday mornings 4am to 9am
  • Odd-numbered addresses: Thursday and Sunday mornings 4am to 9am

Non-Residential lawn watering allowed:

  • Even-numbered addresses: Monday mornings 1am to 6am and Friday mornings 4am to 9am
  • Odd-numbered addresses: Tuesday mornings 1am to 6am and Friday mornings 4am to 9am

Trees, shrubs, hedges, decorative planters and flowers and edible plants:

  • Permitted any day, from 4am to 9am (residential) and 1am to 9 am (non-residential) if using a sprinkler, or any time if hand watering or using drip irrigation. All hoses must have an automatic shut-off device.
  • Edible plants can be watered anytime.

Stage 1 watering restrictions are an effective way to ensure residents in the region use drinking water wisely and have the potential to delay or avoid the need for higher, more restrictive water use stages. Demand for water is at the highest during evening hours when residents require water for domestic uses such as preparing dinner, dishwashing, laundry and showers. Watering lawns early in the morning helps reduce the peak demand on the water system.

Furthermore, water restrictions are an excellent reminder to reduce non-priority water uses such as washing vehicles or non-permeable surfaces such as driveways. The restrictions only apply to the use of treated drinking/tap water and not to the use of rain water, grey water (waste water from baths, sinks, washing machines, and other kitchen appliances) or any form of recycled water. If you are treating your lawn with nematodes or have installed a new lawn, see the link below for more information on water restriction exemption permits.

  • For more information and videos about Metro Vancouver’s lawn watering regulations, water-wise lawn care and everyday water conservation tips, visit MetroVancouver.
  • For information on how to apply for water restriction exemption permits during COVID-19, visit Water Restrictions.