No. 3 Road Art Columns

No. 3 Road Art Columns

Highlighting Richmond’s food culture and natural heritage

Drift WoodScapes: Blue Views, Maria Coletsis, 2024. Lansdowne Canada Line Station

Commuters walking along the pedestrian concourse underneath the Canada Line can enjoy a new art exhibition at the Aberdeen and Lansdowne Canada Line stations. The work of Richmond artists Maria Coletsis, Ranu Chakraborty and Shirley Vuong have been installed in the large, backlit display cases at the base of three concrete support columns and will be on view until January 31, 2025. 

Maria Coletsis’ photographs at Aberdeen Station imagine vast landscapes that have emerged from Richmond’s driftwood. The digital photographs convey the interconnectedness of the natural world and invite the viewer to discover hidden images of a much larger landscape.
Ranu Chakraborty’s watercolour paintings at Lansdowne Station recollect her memories of the Richmond Cherry Blossom Festival in Steveston, including the beautiful pink blooms of the Akebono cherry trees in Garry Point Park.

Shirley Vuong’s digital illustrations, also at Lansdowne Station, celebrate the abundance and diversity of foods in Richmond. From Steveston to the Richmond Night Market, one can find fresh seafood, dim sum and wonderful fruits and vegetables at Asian markets and farm stands.

This is the final exhibition of a two-part, year-long showcase by artists who have created work highlighting Richmond’s local culture, history and natural heritage. The next exhibition that runs from February 1 to July 31, 2025 will feature other engaging work by Richmond artists.

The No. 3 Road Art Columns Program was launched in 2010 as part of the City’s commitment to enhance the No. 3 Road streetscape, in partnership with the Appia Group of Companies and InTransit BC. Since then, the program has featured the work of dozens of local artists with two rotating exhibitions a year.

For more information about the Public Art Program, visit