Prepare for Summer

Prepare for Summer

Richmond residents reminded to get ready for summer heat

Two girls swimming in an outdoor pool

The City of Richmond is reminding residents to remain heat aware and is offering a number of options for people to stay cool as the warmer months approach.

While temperatures in the city have yet to reach heat wave levels, advance preparation is important to protect against hot weather and the potential dangers it presents. Among the tips for hot weather safety are:

  • Drink plenty of fluids (stay hydrated), even if you do not feel thirsty.
  • Keep cool by seeking out places that have air conditioning or shade such as community centres and shopping malls. A list of places to cool off can be found at
  • If at home, use a fan, wet towels and take cool showers/baths. Draw your blinds, keep curtains closed or use window coverings to reduce inside heat.
  • Check in on your loved ones – older family, friends and neighbours who may be at risk of heat-related illnesses. Those most at risk for heat-related illness can include individuals with a disability, pregnant women, babies and young children, seniors and anyone with underlying health conditions.

The City also reminds people of the dangers of heat and parked cars. Never leave a child or pet in a parked vehicle, even for just a moment. If you see an animal in distress in a hot car, note the licence plate, contact 911 and then the BC SPCA helpline at 1-855-622-7722.

Also with the hot weather is an increased risk of fire danger. Despite recent cool and damp weather, forests and parks can dry out quickly and be susceptible to wildfires caused by human carelessness. Never discard a cigarette butt from a car window, along a trail or into garden beds and shrubbery, and always adhere to City bans on outside BBQs and fires.

For more information on staying safe in hot weather, please visit the City’s website at For information on heat-related illness, visit Healthlink BC’s Beat the Heat webpage, and check out the BC SPCA's hot weather pet safety tips for protecting your pets.